
Yeah, it's called WEBM.

If that's short, stupid and embarrassing, then all of America is short, stupid and embarrassing, and that doesn't make any sense at all

I feel it's because the subject of the term is almost always either being described as cutesy or psychopathic.

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The 3 times I can think of consciously choosing a female was Femshep based solely on the superior quality of Jennifer Hale's voice acting, Skyrim for the opposite gender perks since most NPCs are male (I play 1st person so the aesthetics don't come into it) and my Demon Hunter cos their design for the male model

Well, regardless of the source material, nice clock. I'd have been blissfully unaware of the reference until someone told me, but that does seem a little above-and-beyond for casual interest/not a brony (bronie? meh, that's the lease serious issue here.) Haven't seen much of Powerpuff girls and Dexter's lab other than

"Don't give a fuck until it's your turn to give a fuck."

My condolences, it was #1 in my view.

Ginger Snap was robbed.

First off, damn you for making me watch that, I'm not getting those couple of minutes back. Secondly, they're not idiots-now that the demographic is 5-10 year old girls and 17-35+ year old men, they know what they need to do in terms of content, it's too lucrative not to incorporate that when coming up with new (and I

They had me at pretty much everything but lost me at the QTEs. Shame cos everything really does look promising.

You're going to need better bait, dearie. I wish you could actually enjoy this a little instead of making it a humourless zero-sum game. This isn't your first troll, is it? I'm flattered you wanted it to be with me ^_^

Aw, come on. You're not even trying now.

Brb fapping

Ah, the old 'no, you are' strategy. I remember that one- I too thought it was the pinnacle of trolling back in my teenage years, just after reading an intro to psychology textbook and had that overwhelming feeling of knowing everything about the inner workings of the mind, as most kids do at that point. Your reading

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mean your interest in continuing our discourse is apathetic-that mark of shame is for the unfortunate people that will generally click whatever you put in front of them, and it can often be because they find it on a site they would normally visit for other, more useful purposes. If the

Wait, so in all of this, you're mostly annoyed by my style of writing? If we're going in that direction, perhaps you should start with basic grammar before impugning anything about how I write in general. That's not really it though, is it? I don't know what sort of childhood trauma instilled this academically

Calm yourself, child. You're embarrassing yourself with all this misplaced aggression and thus the conversation is over.

Aside from your somewhat unnecessary snide, I don't disagree that that the change is very simple or that some ppl may enjoy those off-topic (again, by their own admission since they don't have the kotakucore tag) articles, my issue is borne out of a general hatred for apathy. By continually further diluting what the

Your 'arguments' are fascinating, I wish I could put you in a jar (preferably with no holes in the lid) and study you! Sadly it appears we've come to part of the discussion where you signal your inability to proceed rationally by coarsely displaying the worst traits found in most saddeningly ignorant people-personally