
Yes, a puerile and unproductive semantic argument.

Your level of ignorance is refreshing, I'll give you that. The only standards I ask them to conform to are the ones that they themselves have put into place: 'a news and opinion site about games and things serious gamers care about'.

Oh goody *claps hands excitedly* a semantic argument! Now we're cooking. Then would you not agree that the default setting should be only items relating to gaming and everything else have a tag to group it appropriately? I look forward to the day when certain repeat offending members of staff can have their work found

So then you do in fact agree that I would need to make a change in *my* behavior-regardless of how large or small-to have this site work in the way that the content creators and ppl running it intend for it to work, no? Your argument, sir, is flawed by your own admission then. Good day, sir.

I applaud you sir.

If nothing is posted that we should actually need to avoid to uphold their own mandate, then that won't be necessary. I'm thinking a few Kotaku staffers may need to post that over their desk to bring them back to remind themselves what their job is from time to time. Modifying our behavior because ppl like yourself

Shouldn't need to. If you need to change the settings to have a site do what it's supposed to, you've failed-worse even perhaps, you've pandered.

What, religion or Tommy Wiseau?

Why are atheists and agnostics still surprised and outraged by anything religion does and has been doing almost forever? (I'm atheist btw,it just seems counter-intuitive that we make loud noises about their loud noises...)

Uh...death. No, cake! I meant cake.

Well spotted, sir. I retract my fallacious comment about corporate teat suckling, and instead suggest that in the throes of their idolatry that they are, in fact swallowing the regurgitated organic matter of their tacky and boorish avian overlords.

Care Factor? Yeah, I could get behind this, although story is probably the weakest part of the MGS series.

Chances Of Getting Made? Sadly… extremely high.

I fear that I may be superhero-ing incorrectly.

So if (despite the generally loose interpretation) Kotaku is about 'gamer culture', and I think we can all agree that gamers are people, you're implying that gaming culture now should include sad bronies, and you therefore submit that said sad bronies are themselves, people? Now who's the deviant?

Well of course you weren't talking about me, you big silly! You don't have to explain it to me, we're both big, strong, manly men of the world type men with a few less consoles in our regular rotation and a whole lot more of the 'you-know-what' if you know what I mean, *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* ^_^

Couldn't help myself. Do what you will to me, I have already won.

Yeah, you tell him, you big stud! Hey I wish I could be like you, being so cool and whatnot. You must be drowning in potential sexual partners with your ridiculously antiquated and stupid observations.

Well I'm sure there's an orange and black skin in there somewhere if it makes you feel more at home lol I think it syncs with Zune as well so it may even work with w8phone-it came out as a personal preference as it has good DSP plugins, I found a skin I liked (eclipse I think) and it can sync to iPod/iPhone so I don't

I also prefer the look of Valdis Story and the difficulty is just about right if you grew up with the original Metroid/Castlevania games (insert old-man type rant about games being too easy these days) but that is a nice looking game and has a smoothness of animation that I would have liked to see in Valdis yet I'm