
That's kinda what I meant-if there were any/decent apps for w8phone I'd be the first to at least try it out but I've been unimpressed thus far. Shame, cos it's not a terrible alternative, unique looking at least-there's just nothin to to with it yet lol

Was on winamp until its future became uncertain, now a happy mediamonkey user.UI isn't quite as nice as I'd like but the taskbar control and customization options are nice, each their own.

It's not premature, it's efficient!

Pls tell me you shooped in that Zune icon for comedic effect?

While I feel bad for the woman, I am literally laughing out loud at America right now. Get your act together.

"Thank God" for handhelds? The sheer arrogance and misplaced gratitude of that inappropriately non-secular title astounds and annoys me in equal parts. The 3DS and PSP initially have Gunpei Yokoi and Jeff Madar respectively to thank for their creation (coincidentally, Gunpei Yokoi also invented the Virtual Boy-one of

Semantic argument is semantic.

Very average jump scare attempt was very average.

This. Also...

You could like, pretend to work and stuff, at least.

Seconded. I'd almost forgotten what gaming journalism looked like, keep up the fine work, sir.

'Normal'? What exactly does that even mean?

Actually, they're both not bad. I'll put them into use immediately. Carry on with the fine work.

It wasn't so much that she was perceived as emotionless, more (at least, IMHO) that she was Cloud with indoor plumbing. Don't mess around giving me a reworked Cloud knockoff, either give me something new or give me Cloud.

Good advice, pal.

You have to actually have a reasonable number of ppl for a stampede...

Fixed that for ya.

Dammit, Plunkett. Stay on message for 5 mins, will you?

Yeah that's pretty much what I was getting at if I didn't quite get it across-I presumed the clickbait worked more for the nudity and less for the fact that it's actually a game lol hope they're at least gettin you some experience and you can just put on your resume that you were on sabbatical or something so you'll