
Much love to the trans community but this ain’t it.

Apple have fixed all the wrong problems, here. VR isn’t gaining meaningful traction because people don’t want to have to wear ski goggles when interacting with digital content. It why Meta was doomed to failure and why this will be a $3500 toy for folks with disposable income, who’ll use it a couple of times and then

Good for people who wants to surf the web when they’re out skiing. 

I agree that the generated heat probably won’t be an issue, but I do not agree with your explanation as to why. All phones and iPhones are no exception get hot simply from use. Apple has not defeated the law of thermodynamics. Something being bearable in your hand is not the same as it being on your face.


external pack meant to sit in users’ pockets

$3500 for 2 hours of use with the external battery brick.

I think they’ve greatly over estimated the average Apple customer’s willingness to look silly. They’ll happily hand them $3500, regardless of function, but only if they think it make them look cool.

This is DOA.
1. Price - outrageously high
2. External battery pack for, wait, what? Only two hours?
3. No killer app, no compelling use case
4. Did I mention the price?
5. Won’t release until 2024, killing any momentum from WWDC
6. People don’t want ski goggle lines on their face, creases in their hair, nor do they want to

Apple Rick Rolled everyone and at a starting price of $3500 for the lowest end model, I feel like we all got played. Another disappointment was all demos and features were being mocked up and there was no actual footage. We have no idea how that thing will perform or how long a battery will even last. I think it’s

Eh, that’s like the old saying “Macs don’t get viruses”

Jesus, 3500$? phew..

I was excited for the ‘’ no peripherals and controllers ‘’ up until I read that you might need to plug in a keyboard and mouse ahha. 

The best use case for this is their real-time captioning for the hearing impaired and, eventually, live translations.

All of which could have been done in a much smaller form factor and with lower power requirements.

They’re going to kill this product line by overstuffing it.

At 3499, I think not

I am so happy to see the reception the game is getting and the hype ahead of its release was awesome to see as well. I’ve always counted Street Fighter as one of my favorite series of all time, but I feel like SF5 just sucked the soul out of it for 7 years. Nothing like a great comeback story!

I can’t decide if I’m kicking myself for doing the secret passage first, or glad I did for the experience of scraping hammers together as I went.

Personally I don’t care that the app is hot trash. I don’t use it.

The article writers don’t like it either. Kotaku writers vs. Kotaku owners is an ancient ongoing war.

most people probably don’t even know that you can switch back.

god I read the headline and was afraid they were getting rid of old.reddit.

god I read the headline and was afraid they were getting rid of old.reddit. Regular reddit is so fucking bad, like I literally don’t understand why it exists. But I guess it follow the standard internet pattern of taking something that is simple, elegant, and useful and changing it to something ugly and hard to use.