
I’m just gonna not update the game until I’ve completed everything I want to do.

lol get fucked nintendo.

I mean they didn’t go after RetroArch that can emulate NES,SNES,N64, and GBA.

Nintendo’s argument is that a number is illegal.

Nintendo can go fuck itself, making a guy in forever indentured servitude, they truly can go fuck themselves. It's korally right because of their bullshit that you should pirate their shit.

It’s not about money. It’s about control. It has always been about control.

Disney is not currently suing people for trying to watch ‘Song of the South’ online. And almost their entire film library is available for viewing on their streaming service. It’s a bad example. 

I’ve been saying this a lot lately, Nintendo needs to go through another Wii U/GameCube period, that’s when they are at their most humble.

They’re referring to works that are unavailable for sale, which emulators make accessible. For instance, Nintendo will no longer sell you a new copy of Windwaker, having disabled the wiiu eshop. Thus, Nintendo is burying their work, rather than selling it. 

They’re not ‘protecting’ their creativity and work. They’re not even holding it ransom. They’re just burying it in a metaphorical hole and telling the public to f*** off. The social contract around which copyright and IP laws are based is made with understanding that you make your protected works available for public

Thanks for reminding me this exists , just went out of my way to download it from 

Nintendo insists their intellectual property is valuable enough that emulation is this big threat to them.  Simultaneously that same intellectual property isn’t valuable enough to always make available for sale to the general public

Why the poor Nintendo exec who are living in absolute poverty of making only $2 million a year.

Nintendo’s insistence on reselling the same games to us over and over again would be more tolerable if those games were readily available, and close to the same technical state that emulation offers.

Cavill IMO carried this show, cos it was trashy but watchable despite being a bit of a mess; with Geralt’s attitude a big part of what held it together. Leaving aside as well the amount of sheer thirst for Cavill in the first place. I really have no faith the lesser Hemsworth can be that glue. I’d not be shocked at

It’s netflix. They’ll get close to the end of the story, and cancel it to leave all fans hanging.

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Do you guys just not check your own site anymore before publishing?

Luke Plunkett already posted a story about the 1.1.2 patch yesterday with the headline “Nintendo Patches Tears Of The Kingdom’s Duplication Glitches”. Presumably that wasn’t sexy enough so now we’ve got this comically exagerrated one?

Big simping from people totally fine wasting their time grinding for arbitrary loot... grinding that has now thanks to this glitch been proven to add nothing to the enjoyment of the game.

Do you ever stop to think about how when they add arbitrary grinding to a game, you have to sacrife your *actual* time to complete