
Fuck off with this. I get that the current meta is to write hot takes to farm clicks but this is pretty blatant. No, one merely alright episode where you dump in a bunch of reveals at the end of a garbage season does not mean you “stuck the landing”. The Fall of Reach alone could have been this entire season with much

“Origins of the Myth” Yeah, no. As with most gizmodo hot takes it is historical revisionism from people too young or with too crappy a memory to remember how it actually happened. For years early versions of iOS and Android had multiple apps both first and third party that would not actually suspend but instead run in

Not nearly as cut and dry as the article is making it out to be. Is your phone actively turning on its microphone and sending the result to some shadowy group? No, well unless you pissed off certain governments then yes. Are your devices collecting a series of metadata about you (and those around you) that when

If you think solidarity means accepting whatever table scraps services throw at us and begging for seconds then I don’t think you understand what solidarity means. Solidarity in purchasing is likely best done by way of buying BluRay box sets in this situation.

“Revived a Dying Genre”? Citation?

>The Bungie guys have had to do all of this by the seat of their pants.

There were games that pushed costume packs for free online during the PS2 era. See: MGS3.

It was trash-garbage.

MGS1 SHOULD be locked at 30fps” You have no idea what you are talking about and should probably stop.

Fuck off, the guy beat his girlfriend. If Hollywood would fall because we fumigated it of all of the scumbags who hide behind the glitz and glamour to inflict pain and suffering on others: Let it fall.

You can mod MGS1 to run at greater than 30fps but it will be a mess because the game was not made to run that way.”

That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works and I’d suggest you go read about how it does before you talk about the matter.

Source: Your ass. MGS1 runs fine at both higher res and 60 FPS right now on the DuckStation emulator. Yes, some games break when you run their FPS at a higher rate than originally intended and at higher res than intended some things can become misaligned but MGS1 has had those issues resolved now for years and this

New face looks awful. Quite clearly the off-brand version of Tom Holland ala the awful Avengers game.

“When did the games community become...” right about the time that devs started releasing unfinished games and hiding the truth about the state they were in while also nickel and diming said community. Odd how sewing unprincipled behavior can lead to more of it.

People checking their system stability is all well and fine but how about CDPR check the stability of their game before they release it first before worrying about that.

Oddly enough had a similar situation. Was playing Baldur’s Gate 3 with a group of friends late into the dead of night and we happened to end a little early that night. I turn around to find my water heater had ruptured and immediately rushed to turn off the water valve. Had we played until our regular time my entire

The quote is from the Chapelle stand-up event that happened a while ago. The writer didn’t do a good job differentiating between the Valorant thing and that or giving a good timeline.

Is this post a joke? Do you honestly think there isn’t money in media? There is a tonne of money in media, the problem is that a bunch of the big players spent the money that they made chasing Netflix and buying up eachother and now they need to squeeze someone for that money and they settled on the Writers and the

Gorr **The god Butcher** was more than a worthy enemy for Thor, particularly with who played him. Watiti just wiffed big time. The truth is that Ragnarok was just a fluke and his humor, particularly his less thought out current humor as compared to his more thoughtful older stuff just defuses any tension in a