
A bunch of Cybertruck bros pretending to be explorers and venturing off into one of the more hostile-to-humans areas of our planet. This should end well.

There was a report that the two options other than using Starliner are the next SpaceX trip or asking Russia if they can use the Soyuz, the latter of which would be embarrassing since it’s an election year.

For astronauts who aren’t stranded in space, Suni and Butch sure do look stranded in space.

I mean, that is a pretty massive “attack” for the typical fanboy.

He’s not giving it up, even though he clearly should. He’s still a total Tesla stan and going to keep driving that junker and dealing with the inevitable breakdowns until the end of time.

You seem more concerned with people getting to know that a 40-something-year-old weirdo sent sexually explicit messages to a minor, than the act of a 40-something-year-old weirdo sending sexually explicit messages to a minor.

Why It’s So Good

But its not good, Germain.  We’ve talked about this already.

I just wonder what info be gave up to be released.

Came here to say exactly this. Take your star!

Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

For additional context that study was specific to waymo and cruze, it mentions Tesla 0 times. Go ahead search the linked text.

For context there are no self driving cars in 2024, this car hit a police car with lights flashing at night, the perceived safety lulled its driver into a false sense of security where he was allowed to let the car drive without supervision. The driver is wrong but I doubt he hits the cop car if he didn’t have fsd

No they don’t

I am fine with a skip after 6 seconds, but I 100% will never site through a 30 second add to see if I want to watch something. Ever. 

Pushing ads so aggressively will only drive people off of YouTube altogether. I put up with waiting 5 seconds to skip ads for years because I realise ads are how they pay for server space, and I’m sure as shit not paying a monthly subscription to occasionally watch a game trailer or music video. But then they started

Yeah and notice literally NONE of us are whining about a “rigged court room,” “weaponized DOJ,” “conflicted judge,or it’s all a “witch hunt?” Somehow I doubt you have the same maturity level as the rest of us. 

LOL! The problem is, you can’t buy or win Trump’s favor. Ever. Just look at the endless list of people who thought the same thing only to realize you never really have Trump’s support no matter what you do or how much you give him. The only chance you have is to give him everything you have every minute of every day