
Finally, I have so many rubies I can get lamp oil, rope AND bombs.

I want to experience the game more than I want to grind rupees. 

Exactly. Remember when everybody was gonna boycott that war game on steam? And then release day, 90% of the people in that boycott group were playing the game. A good chunk of our community are hypocrites.  And the devs know this.  They’ll just ignore all the hate, and watch the money roll in anyways.   It’s why they

At some point, these executives are going to stupidly put something as bad as Anthem up for sale at $70 and it’s going to bite their ass.

So here’s the real issue. It’s not necessarily the fact games are simply more expensive, it’s that a lot of games that get released these days aren’t even worth the 60 bucks they want to charge, let alone 70.

Talk about gaslighting! Anybody talking to people with five figure salaries are going to get massive pushback on $70 games, especially considering how often so many of those AAA games are released in a massively buggy state. I think one of the reasons CEO pay is so high is that it needs to be convince people becoming

I really, really, really hate saying this but...

I would be fine with this if I the game wasn’t designed in a way where I would need to spend more after paying $70 to get the full experience (Aka Microtransactions). Seriously! People with MBA’s are not gonna be like, well I think 70$ maybe a bit too much. Bruh! If there was no pushback against 150$ you think they

I can't remember the last game I bought at full price. With the amount of backlog I can wait for a sale.

Look, I’m all for consumer rights, and for telling corporations to **** themselves. But it is honestly stupidly amazing we’ve managed to hold the line at $60 for so long, and $70 is probably honestly overdue.

Well, there’s always games that came out a month ago instead of release day. Or a year later. Gasoline expires, games don’t.

When Street Fighter 2 Turbo came out, my mom totally shelled out the $84.95 it cost. But then again, carts were always more expensive to produce then discs. But now? The reason you have to pay 70 instead of 60 is because these companies spend a larger % on MARKETING than they ever have before. We are paying more so

Seriously. Gamers have worse self control than drug addicts. Thousands upon thousands of amazing games out there, and yet they will bitch and complain about how shitty something is WHILE GIVING THEM THEIR MONEY. which as we all know, is the only thing corporations care about.

Uh, you know not buying the fucking games is a choice right?

As I get older, whenever someone does a dick move in traffic I just let it go. Whatever. That guy seems absolutely crazy. As such, I’m pretty sure if he had done that to me and started yelling insane shit I would probably have just slowed down, let the lunatic drive off. Because you never know. He could have a gun or

No, I don’t expect any of that. I’m just saying I can’t afford more. Why do people come to these comments looking for fights?

Sounds like you didn’t actually go.  You don’t get “split into groups”, you choose who you want to hang out with and what your storyline is.  They don’t pick it for you.

While I would attribute this to only being a small part in the Galactic Cruiser’s demise, I think it was a big mistake to set it during the Sequel trilogy. People much prefer Darth Vader to Kylo Ren, and Han, Luke and Leia to Rey, Finn and Poe. The Star Wars land portion of the park was originally supposed to be set

I have a new Onion headline that can be used similar to the Mass shooting headline they use over and over again

The sad thing is, this is very much a failure of implementation. They spent so much money on actors and plotlines, and missed a whole slew of critical things: