
Boo hoo.

The flip side of this, is that it’s a lot harder for the chuds who got by with schmoozing and “face time” instead of productivity. I’ve worked with plenty of these dudes, who made sure they were physically in the office and looking busy whenever the boss wandered by, to create a fake impression that they were “hard

Are you under the impression that a company won’t do this if you’re in the office?

This is exactly right. There have been plenty of reports of his firing people out of hand at Tesla because they didn’t give the “right” answer to some dumbass question he threw at them. He tried to institute a “sleep at your desk” culture at Twitter. He’s complained before about how he hates being alone. He’s exactly

Honestly its more straight forward then that even

It also makes it harder for him to prey on female employees.

Given it’s Musk, I assume the real reason why he hates Work From Home is that it makes it harder for him to scream at employees about something after looking over their shoulder. Anyone working for him should really consider unionizing, see if they can get some Work From Home in the contract.

Don’t forget the fact that he’s been killing large amounts of animals for testing on that stupid brain chip he wants to put into people.
The man is the living High Evolution. 

He wants to micromanage them. Nothing else

Musk seems like the kind of person who checks his work email at 9 am on a Saturday to see how many messages he got, doesn’t bother to open or respond to any of them and counts that as a full day of work for reporting purposes.

It’s in the alt-image text for

What an irrelevant thing to say.  But you certainly are free to say it!

No one has a more vested interest in completley automating their workforce than brokerage firms. I just sat with some young kids at Morgan and they insisted that they chose careers that are “technology-proof” and I had to just bite my tounge. 

That’s a problem with the managers, not the employees.  If a manager can’t tell by the employee’s capacity and velocity if they’re working or not, neither of them need to be employed.  Having a crappy company culture where there’s no accountability isn’t a good reason to deny an entire generation more freedom and to

This guy has no idea what real “work” is.  He think strolling around and yelling at underlings is work, like most CEOs, so he can’t comprehend how he’s useful if he doesn’t have people in the office to boss around.  Hot tip: Most CEOs are a waste of money.  

You know, if this keeps up, I might start to think that Elon is kind of an asshole!

Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me that a billionaire, who can afford to buy and pay for absolutely anything his heart desires including the best childcare in the world, doesn’t see why working from home is beneficial to some of us? Is this the same guy who tweets constantly about plummeting birth rates and how the

Says someone who didn’t pay his office rent.

This is what someone on the wrong side of 20 year office lease might say.

Man using paying customers to perform open road beta tests of self driving software that is explicitly designed to disregard road laws in favor of convenience has opinions on morality.