
accuweather is terrible and full of ads. 

Now, I’m not saying Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald are the same person, buuuut . . . ah fuck it, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

What are the Twitter Files?

Other outlets should follow suit in solidarity

Now if all the other media outlets would follow suit we can begin finally killing this beast. 

It may be inexpensive comparetively lately, but to call $600 a “budget” card is insulting to all of us who have to BUST OUR ASS for a half a month just to be able to make that money, let alone use it on a luxury purchase.

Good. Hopefully this convinces other brands/organizations to ditch the service too.

nah, it’s more like 3rd rate villain from a 5th rate comic book shit.

Nobody needs Twitter. Everyone using it is feeding Nazis and oligarchs. Delete it or shut up about it. 

It’s absolutely hilarious that after months of being talked about the next Great White Hope of Trump-weary Republicans, DeSantis already peaked and is on the decline before he even declared. Glad I didn’t panic about him like so many did. He couldn’t survive the national spotlight for even a week.

Turns out when you actively attempt to subvert and weaken government for years, your ability to take on a large corporation is limited.

isn’t it illegal for a government to target a specific company with legislation?

Desantis: “We are currently planning our next move.”

Well, shit, I was just about to finally get a Series S after all I’ve heard about how great it was for emulation....

A example of cutting off their own nose for spite. Emulation was one of the top (and few) selling points for Xbox. I’d imagine Sony is appreciating Microsoft’s marketing team working hard to eliminate reasons to buy one.  Exclusives - none, game pass - on pc, emulation - blocked.  The call is coming from inside the

it’s just the way illumination operates, and it’s fucking annoying. 

If you want them to do voices hire a voice actor, there’s lots of talented ones out there. If the actor tells you upfront I don’t do voices, and you hire him then you get what you get.

The history of this shift is a goddamn tragedy too. It really kicked off with Disney casting Robin Williams in Aladdin. Williams was initially extremely hesitant, because he had a lot of scruples about his work, and didn’t want his name recognition to overshadow the voice cast - notably, he did his role in Fern Gully

They should have gotten unknowns for this. People are going to see Mario & gang, not to hear some overpaid star.

Seth is cashing in. It’s just another job for him.