
Why do people not understand that just because anecdotally you don’t have the experience another person has with an app/game doesn’t make the other person a liar? It isn’t “ not true at all “ it has been reported by a number of players and I have the same issues. It appears to be a problem with Xbox Networking’s

Your first take was clickbait trash and even the devs knew that the progression was not up to snuff.

Absolute contrarian bullshit to generate clicks from Kotaku. The pass requires far too much work from the average player and that work isn’t focused on killing enemies or playing the objective most of the time. 

They shouldn’t.

A completely moronic take. So if there is a cheater on the other team that has not died a single time and has racked up 30 kills we should just be happy to guess at the fact because obscuring information is the cop out anti-toxicity measure that DICE went for? Garbage.


Meanwhile: She’s never made one.

Yeah, no. I think I’m done with Kotaku after this. Defending China stepping in and telling citizens what they can and cannot do with their free time while enjoying the freedom to do it yourself is absolute horse-shit and this clickbait garbage article should have been put in the bin before the first draft was done.

Or it could be that WonderWoman ‘84 was a trash movie not worth watching so people didn’t watch it.

No, this isn’t how the system works. The hashes come from known CSAM traded on the internet or confiscated during raids of child abusers. Your device then has to match up with multiple hashes in the database before anyone at Apple is even alerted to the possibility that the person is a child abusers, in short if the

Apple is completely full of shit, if the Chinese government comes a knocking and tells them implement or get out they will bend the knee just like they did with VPNs. They are opening Pandora’s Box with this and insisting that its going to be fine... because they say so.

>Radar is not needed

Eh, the bots are weighted in a way that’s unrealistic but makes them seem more competent than they are. If you pay attention their first few bullets land like absolute lasers and then fall off drastically. This is very unlike real players and while it is mostly fine in close to mid combat it makes ranged combat

This, there has been a bunch of armchair contract lawyering in the comments and a bunch of them just read ScarJo’s team’s claims and say “slam dunk” without any consideration for Binding Terms and Fore Majeure. Disney will have the upper-hand in court if the contract is written even half competently so it all boils

You do understand that the hacked thing is a joke right? Its him saying: “I did a fucky wucky so let me pastiche those people who did a fucky wucky and tried to get out of it by claiming to get hacked.” Its a pretty bold move there Cotton.

>were these “inexcusable and unacceptable” comments....racist?

Yeah, No. The film took in $80 million domestic, $10m off what it was expected to make ($90m). The only real surpassing of expectations is that the international numbers were stronger than expected. Since when does Gizmodo blindly trumpet Disney’s marketing arm without looking into the numbers? If I wanted that I

Actually you are entirely wrong on this latter point. All good R2R legislation mandates that the tools and replacement parts be made available and at a reasonable price for a reasonable amount of time of use from the release of the device. It is so because of exactly your concern in that some manufacturer could sell

Indeed, glad that we could come to an understanding on the various methods that could be used to dismantle the democracy we care about. I hope that more people think outside the box as those scheming to make it a reality are playing all the angles.

I’m not just objecting within the confines of your hypothetical. I am objecting to the very premise of your argument. As others have said here, the assumption that military intervention is inherently necessary to stage a coup in the US is flat out false. Hell, you can stage a coup while still not blatantly violating