
Yeah, no. You are of the strange delusional people who have somehow convinced yourself that democracy is inherently strong because it is the United States. People such as yourself said that an event like January 6th could never happen and now look where we are. The sad truth about democracy is that it is inherently

Excellent post.

Gonna call absolute bullshit on the premise of your post.

Yeah, No. The PS5's rest mode is notoriously unreliable for many and some of us live in areas with fairly regular power outages. Stop defending bad game design.

What an absolute trash heap of an “article”. Hyper Progressives are dead set on letting the perfect (in their mind) be the enemy of the good. Oh and on top of that the article image has Lady D center frame when: 1) She isn’t a protag 2)Is Eastern European and her familial origin hasn’t been revealed so could come from

It was such a weird airing of editorial grievances, especially in light of the fact that Star Wars was infamously saved in the editing room and would have made for a much more appropriate analog.

Yeah, No. There is a world’s difference between linking someone’s tweet directly and telling your audience they are a moron worthy of scorn so they should go get ‘em and giving your reader’s context to know what was being responded to and what the tone of the original post was to warrant such a response.

Did you really put Endgame on this list?

What a bone-headed move, if the division was losing money they should have restructured it and found ways to make them for cheaper. The stance that just because there are more services than devices coming out so you won’t need a universal remote makes zero sense unless you have bought into the voice control hype and

This defense is a fart in a stiff wind. There have been not only numerous events of people following every command and still being shot or hurt but video of said events posted to this very site. The only people who hold out on this hill are those who want to put all of the failings of modern US policing on the victims

If they really want Dreams to succeed they would convince Sony to let them port it wholesale or at least the creator side to PC. 

The thing that messed up JL was every putting Snyder in charge of the DCEU, any and every thing after that is an incidental to an enterprise doomed from the very start.

If explaining the facts of the matter to you makes you feel insulted maybe that has a lot to do with your own lack of knowledge than anything to do with my tone. Your reply contains a bunch of demonstrably false garbage throwing like “Schumer, Biden and the rest are doing a goddamn thing other than pandering to this

I am fully aware of what is at stake for the Democrats if they don’t pass things like HR.1 so you can take that bullshit and shove it. It doesn’t change the fact that trying any sort of traditional pressure on Manchin is a waste of money and time so people who are stupid enough to try and primary him because they

Anyone suggesting that the democrats try to put the screws to Manchin doesn’t know anything about the actual politics in WV. Manchin is the last democrat out of that state for a long time and its specifically because he’s a DINO that he gets elected. There is far more furtive ground in other states to spend money on.

This is such a myopic take. So if you owe someone $2k and they hand you $600 your response is: “Oh how nice of you, when can I expect my $2k though?” No, this goalpost shifting is such absolute bullshit reason to dog on the democrats when they are actually trying to do good by people while the other side throws shit

Ah, a buttplug at the top of the latest stories on Kotaku. What a long way this site has come.

Ah, a buttplug at the top of the latest stories on Kotaku. What a long way this site has come.

A better article would be: “Why you shouldn’t get back into Destiny 2".


It is such a slap in the face to the devs who were steamrolled by crunch to have ND sweep awards for such a crap-fest like TLoU2 just because its (((cinematic))) and the industry insiders who made it happened should be lambasted at every turn.