
Is Kotaku |still| trying to drum up hate for CP2077? Really reaching with this one.

“All” is a bit of a stretch. Most connectors are keyed and even then because of the size the keys are often small and plastic so there is still someone foolish enough to force it in somewhere. Nature is always working diligently on a better idiot.

Man, you got me with this one. I almost thought you lost your mind.

Really hate the baby-faced look. If the game started with Pete in high school or early college I could understand it but the Pete in S-M PS4 has been around the block.

no one can come up with a good alternative read on what he’s actually saying.” Complete bullshit, he says “So long-a Bowser” as an exaggeration of the Italian accent he’s affecting.

Yeah, no. If it wasn’t a bug they would have come out and explained it ages ago. This smacks of an egotistically game dev not being okay with a bug being part of their legacy.

Yeah, no. Its already been documented that both GRRM |and| HBO wanted to give GoT more time and these two toe-heads said no. They are almost entirely to blame for the ending seasons being so bad.

will come with a range of new Intel Core processors” Missed it by |that| much.

Because progressives love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. See: 2016.

Their policies apply to everything and everyone equally” Except they don’t at all. I’m not in the boat defending EPIC here and agree with the article’s premise that everyone involved is being a corporate crybaby but to say Apple is even-handed is just straight up not true. See: Apple saying that xCloud must let them

Who the heck thought this redesign makes sense? It drowns you in links like someone’s 90s blog making you less interested in clicking any of them.

Yeah, No. Just more retroactive canon like J.K. Rowling’s.

“Winner: Star Trek Lower Decks” Yeah, No. This show services literally no-one and the comedy looks like absolute pedestrian garbage. The Orville has lapped them in every way and its legit embarrassing that they have fallen so low.

Complete bullshit, shortly before he was banned he read something and his entire demeanor changed and he began cursing and trying to reassure his community that everything would be alright unprompted. He knows exactly why he got banned but is using some semantics fuckery to claim otherwise.

How about Kotaku stop posting spoilery posts titles to their main page?!

MM really needs to release at least the creation tools to PC. Would be such a better experience.

Played all except 2 entries on this list, solid pick.

What a complete horseshit article for a completely stupid and asinine waste of everyone’s time. There is actual racism and sexism in the field to tackle, stop wasting everyone’s time forcing re-definition of easily remembered terms that have nothing to do with racism. If anything, all this does is make regular Joes

Unpopular Opinion: I hate the Wick Sequels, yeah yeah the action is solid but the hidden strength of the first one is the simple overt storytelling with interesting implication that supports the action. 2 and 3 are the opposite in every way, flabby badly written setups that you know they wont properly resolve to bait