
What a terrible. stupid. take.

I think you are confusing Criminal Minds with MindHunter. Though the latter has influenced the former the last time I had the horrible idea of checking on a recent Criminal Minds episode.

Welcome to the age of films with updates and patch-notes. What a complete mess.

Is io9 still pushing that TLJ isn’t a trash movie? I love scenes in that film but its just a passive aggressive spiteful mess that resulted in an actively aggressive RoS. Stop trying to make TLJ happen io9, its not happening.

Yeah, no. The government’s response was to hand out billions of dollars to corporations to keep them afloat despite them blowing their rainy day cash on stock buy-backs to juice their value. If even a portion of that had instead been spent on a federal testing regime there would be less people dead today in America.

A bit too little too late, the fact that they had to put out that piece both meant that the playerbase knew that their current Season based system and that Bungie ignored the players long enough so that people started leaving. Count me out until this game gets its act together.

“It’s boring garbage that doesn’t need to be shown on screen” Yeah, No. Indulgence is almost one of the tent-poles of Got/ASoI&F, those journeys and the fact that characters could genuinely die during them are much more interesting than people teleporting through thousands of miles. That and the excuses for it hold

This car-crash of a piece is a microcosm of why the entire state of pronoun etiquette has gone down a path of complete unsustainable farce. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the situation where you are talking to someone and they go: “Oh and hey, small thing, but could you refer to me as X please?” and you

Completely out of place with the rest of the tone of the movie, scene was there for cheap shock and all it got was an eye-roll.

What are you even talking about? Obama and the Clintons don’t owe you a damned thing. Obama held the line strong for 8 solid years of insane far right assault on his presidency and then when he told the nation what they needed to do voters decided to stay home or vote Trump instead of voting Clinton. Meanwhile their

Did you just mention the word subtle and TRoS in the same galaxy? The one with LIGHTSPEED SKIPPIN’?

Did you just mention the word subtle and TRoS in the same galaxy? The one with LIGHTSPEED SKIPPIN’?

Spectre is such a stupid turn for the series, its baffling that the script was shot and not thrown out.

Spectre is such a stupid turn for the series, its baffling that the script was shot and not thrown out.

No Go. Supporting the type of complete creative bankruptcy that lead to TROS will just tell directors in the future that when they come to a difficult directorial conundrum to just throw crap at the screen and hope it sticks.

No Go. Supporting the type of complete creative bankruptcy that lead to TROS will just tell directors in the future

“I’m not saying Westworld is the master of storytelling” Quite the opposite, S1 was an enjoyable examination of the cost behind fulfilling the flights of fancy of the rich and powerful but S2 was a complete mess of half-baked ideas slapped together trying to masquerade as deep and S3 shows they ran out of any unique

People love political grandstanding... right up until its advocating for political stances that don’t jibe with their views. In a few years when the inevitable Anti-SonicFox is shouting about bad Right-Wing political views I wonder how they will be covered.

Bernie’s Obama ad is the height of disgusting, to have wanted the first black President to be primaried and then when the chips are down claim that you were totes besties is peak politician slime.

Yeah, you know what’s a smart design for a vigilante driving around one of the most dangerous cities in the world? An exposed engine in back.

Another Kotaku article throwing around the term homophobic like a frisbee. You can have a depiction that is stereotypical without hating homosexuals. The fact that they are more than willing to change the scene and not die on the hill of defending it speaks to there being no animus behind it in the first place.

Pfft, if anything is funny its people being foolish enough to think that when comedians steer into these things they are being sincere. Truth is that the Overton Window was just in a completely different place back then and so back then they dunked on the safe target and now they do the same and throw their old work

“Until you actually try to break a pcb and see just how much abuse it can take.” This is terrible advice to tell people. Not because PCBs aren’t very durable, they most certainly are. Its that tiny surface mount components can be damaged by said flex and not show the results in a direct or immediate manner.