
“I would pull apart old PCs and build new ones. It was fun.”

What are you talking about? Yes you can transfer pokemon from Gen1, its called Time Capsule:

Truly an awful take, the entire idea of pokemon is crystallized by “gotta catch ‘em all”, for ‘em all’ to suddenly become a random assortment with notable favorites ghosted while modders prove that the failure to add them lies entirely with GameFreak’s ineptitude is as fine a reason to gripe as any. Especially when

The Famitsu score was the one I had a problem with because of how their scoring works: As an aggregate of several reviewers on a board’s score it’s generally difficult for even a great game to score perfectly. For a devise game like Death Stranding it should be nigh on impossible because the varied opinion of the

Thanks for all the excellent work over the years Shep.

Thanks for all the excellent work over the years Shep.

People abusing the carry-on rules are almost exclusively due to the regular price of checking a bag going up and adding additional fees for “overweight” bags. As someone who has to travel into the US and then to my next destination these costs can easily balloon to another ticket worth of fees. If all airlines moved

Oh great, this post again, I see we are entirely dead set on repeating 2016 as thoroughly and completely as possible. 

The apology for the offensive Discord screeds was appropriate and timely. The apology lumping in the game content was short-sighted and ill-advised. Its a love-letter to Duke Nuke’em, unless you played some neutered version of the game then the language used is par for the course and I would honestly be more surprised

People defending this garbage in the replies are daft. Yes, this is not a toy for mass production. That does not automatically equate to the perfect case for crowd-funding. Its like people forgot that limited run / made to order toys were a thing (Hell, Hasbro has done small targeted runs before). Hasbro is doing this

How to immediately raise a red flag in your (potential) employer’s mind about if you are a risk to employ. By Lisa Rowan.

Kotaku Writer complaining about the Outrage Subculture in gaming?

This cabinet is considered the worst of the A1U lineup by far, be warned.

This cabinet is considered the worst of the A1U lineup by far, be warned.

Sorry to burst your Twitter-sphere bubble but Yang is correct, his defeatism is a bad political move but its refreshing in its honesty. When the cameras go off and the scientists sit around and debate Climate Change without the advocacy angle they largely share Yang’s sentiment. There is a reason in the Early 2000s

Stifle what exactly? Stifle the call for people to stow their awful Twitter Hot Takes and false equivalence bullshit so we can band together and end this mess in 2020? Because I’m not “stifling” that until November 2020 so get used to it.

“Don’t make us choose between two entitled old white guys, with one being better only because he isn’t suffering from a personality disorder and dementia.” Right now, only old white guys are ahead of Trump in any significant polling. So how about you stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good and pretending

Excellent choice in music.

The Rebuild of Evangelion movies are reinterpretations of the original series. While the first movie still hews close to the plot of the anime, the later ones are a radical departure from the original story. Still, if there is one universal constant in the world of Evangelion, it’s this: Shinji is going to have a bad

“We’re not going to have to deal with Trump for too much longer”

Don’t you put down that goddamn microphone”

The democratic party is too obsessed with meaningless Twitter Slap Fights than with actually winning in 2020 to get its shit together.