
Want nothing to do with Death Note after that absolute slop fest of an ending. When your intense thriller of a story ends with inhuman book copying shenanigans and hinges on someone spying through a slightly ajar door, you have officially jumped the shark.. Not to even speak of how much of a cop-out the whole “Your

Define “survive”. Cracked was gutted last year and now its handful of listicles is done by users and the occasional freelancer.

Do you mean the controversy that Kotaku instigated by misrepresenting some random artist on the dev team’s words? How about Kotaku stop rushing to the presses to burn down small dev teams that are barely getting by without you bringing pitchforks to their door?

No mention of the fun Silent Hill 3 UFO End run? Weak. It even had a breakout crowd karaoke finale.

Did this a week in, was extremely surprised by the amount of information a bit of google-fu could find.

“cast her back into whatever pit ...” That would be Arkansas... 

“They can’t do PS2 games because they would literally need to install the emotion engine in each ps4 in order to do that” Where exactly did you get this information? Sony has been known to have working emulators for PS1 and PS2 that work fine on X86 & ARM CPUs, they have even used them on-stage and in releases. Hell,

  • Brie Larson

Speaking of: the show implicitly suggests that Drogon is able to avoid the spitfires because Daenerys is guiding him”

the Battle of the Bastards and the negotiation scene in the Dragonpit have happened since then and are two of the shows highest points.”

I could not disagree more. Edgar’s work on SPvsTW is the exception to the rule. His ending is much more tight, elegant and to the point. O’Malley’s ending is a meandering mess that actually has the same problem the GoT the show has, i.e. blowing his load too early and having to wrap it up awkwardly in the shadow of

Your fallacy is that your observations are entirely in a vacuum and I would point you to the Windows -> Linux change-over for a very similar situation. Many have the desire to switch, and the interest in switching. The will is there and yes some alternatives exist. The problem comes when you have a looming deadline

Yeah, no. This has been claimed time and time again and over and over again proven to be false garbage said by individuals who don’t rely on these tools to make a living. Go watch someone like EposVox exhaustively drive them-self up a wall trying to go with alternatives and wasting hours upon hours of creative time to

It was why I noped out of the books at ‘A Dance With Dragons’—knowing that it was going to be mostly Jon Snow”

“...made transmisogynistic and outright asinine comments about transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox” “transmisogynistic

Kotaku complaining about manufactured outrage? Now I’ve seen it all.

What the actual fuck is this article and why is it on Lifehacker? So now people who use Twitter as twitter are using it to fuck with you? Oh, and its only men (even though I am not singling out men but yeah its totally only cis-men)?

Yeah, no your analogy is terrible and you should feel bad for the hamfisted attempt at snark.

“Trump’s only legislative accomplishment was FIRST STEP and a gift to wealthy citizens. The rest were executive orders or judicial nominations.”