
Black Panther was mediocre hyped up far beyond what the movie warranted. Its got awful CG and trite looks at issues of isolationist policy and race. Its only saving grace is that its a pretty solid monarchy struggle film and barely that.

Seconded on Black Panther, its fine but its nothing to write home about and I hate that people hyped it as the must-see Black America movie becomes it has some shallow call-outs that better movies covered with more honesty and context ages ago.

Anyone who tells you that Black Panther deserves an oscar is full of it. It has 90s level special effects, genuinely badly shot scenes (the scene in the jungle is terribly lit and just about any comparable night scene in TDK is superior by a country mile). It isn’t some revelatory Black film like the knee-jerk critics

Part of designing the puzzle should have been preparing hints for the marketing team. Pretty simple.

>and a lot of less valuable scrutiny about whether or not she’s “likable.” 

>when paired with a glass of wine and some roasted olives, it also makes a pretty good supper.

Yep, let’s ignore people who don’t share your exact opinion. That sure worked out great in the last presidential election.

SO much this, the Dems seem obsessed with clutching defeat from the jaws of victory. Run a safe moderate Dem and let’s return to some semblance of normalcy? Nope, gamble on Hillary 3.0.

This take is bad and you should feel bad. But hey, keep farming those clicks you hack.

This, a million times this. The pervasiveness of this assumption that the guy is automatically wrong by default because sitcoms and movies have it as default has ingrained a stereotype deep in the psyche of a large amount of people. I for one don’t even get into an argument unless I have concrete evidence of what I am

Yeah, No. You can be a cheating asshole and a feminist. 

Oddly enough: I’ve had the exact opposite experience. My VITA dies constantly while sleeping. That said, its likely due to it being hacked in a way where the hack has to be refreshed when the device turns completely off (I regularly see the screen turn on and then off without anyone touching it and think this keeps

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Your coworker’s stupidity is not proof of a defect in OSX. You had to “unfuck” user error, not a flaw in the OS.”

I love that you have decided to die on the hill of the MBP having the best input capability when its keyboard can be killed by a wayward crumb. If that’s your definition of quality: You really need to get out more.

“’ve never actually used OSX in any extensive fashion.”

“I’ve never come across a Windows machine that made me think, “Yeah, I could actually use this over my MacBook Pro.” The keyboards always fucking stink, and more importantly, the trackpads are always pure butt. “ Yeah, no. You are full in the Apple Reality Distortion Field. The new MBP has horrible I/O and a worse

“the release of the MacBook Pro Retina without a Touch Bar. Since its release, that device has supplanted the Air as the de facto machine new employees receive in many offices.”

Yep, this is what people need to be busy with right now. Squabbling like children over the most inane shit and throwing viable candidates in the fucking grinder for it while the other side demolishes rights.

This piece is such an insular games-press only problem it is laughable. The 3DS is one of the most popular handhelds and the Switch is not as portable and does not have the 2-Screen setup, it is not a flat upgrade but its the hot thing all the games-press has in their bag and so when something comes out for something

>it still uses any resources it was designed to use