
Have you |ever| been in a check-in line at a busy hub airport like ATL? It sure seems like you have not. The lines can wrap around and around on busy holidays like Christmas.

While I agree with much of the substance of what you are saying. Heaping it on “ The shortsightedness of the Framers” is a really myopic way to look at it. Not only were they dealing with a drastically different country then than now, also: the journals of the framers by and large show that they were under the

Are you high or trolling? The Live-Action literally has Mira come to the exact opposite choice than the original had Motoko decide as it relates to joining the Puppet Master.

This take is as wrong as it is hot. The moment (and I mean that) Trump sounded “Presidential” during his speech the media was lined up to kiss his ass. Every single outlet would wet themselves at the possibility of Trump sounding even remotely sane. He is the one that keeps screwing up that narrative for them.

So since you have a myopic view on the Captain - XO relationship and how it works then the show will automatically be boring? That relationship is incredibly rich with potential for drama, especially if the XO doesn’t see eye-to-eye with the captain (Captain is mentally unstable, incompetent, compromised, just wrong).

Why are you wearing that stupid |human| suit?

My favorite showing of this on film is the 1994 Ri¢hie Ri¢h film where the bad guys spend the entire film trying to break into the Rich family vault and eventually succeed only to find it filled with family mementos. When they demand to see the oodles of cash Mr. Rich responds: “Oh the money? Its all leveraged and

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Way to reduce all of my qualifiers on my last point, really must be a time saver reading every third word someone posts. Reminder: Any real forgiveness is to be accompanied by an act of contrition by the perpetrator. Conway knows exactly what she is supporting while the other party has been duped. Should I just say

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Nope, sorry but your take is full on wrong and that’s why Conway is the worst viper in the pit. She actively knows that Trump is full of shit but is also aware that his magnetism works on the average idiot. See: Any interview she did where Trump was discussed before she hitched her wagon to his.

As for the organ displacement: It is strongly implied that Yinsen was an unrivaled and incredible talent that had no peer in his fields of study (Tony admired his work and his disciples made a techno-utopia from his notes), his medical accomplishment in that cave pre Arc-reactor was as impressive as the reactor itself

The metal that the shield is made of has properties unlike any other metal known to man. That includes how it absorbs and maintains forms of energy.

Just added the GTX 1080 version of that card to my rig. Loving it. Only downside is that the software to control the LED on the card is garbage but all I do is set it to how I want and then uninstall the software.

Yeah, no. I’m a system builder. Pre-builts are becoming vastly more competitive in certain segments. Entry to mid level PC gaming is in-fact one of those.

Yeah, no. This is revisionist history at its finest. Outside of the Pro WW2 war effort Cap has by and large been a force of pragmatism and support of America as a concept not support for what it has become.

Are you finished beating up that straw-man over there? Gave him a good work out. Funny, I never said anything of the such. You on the other hand just wrote off indisputable direct quotes from Trump’s mouth recorded for posterity as “hearsay”, “made up or only half the truth.”

You are why Trump can say that he could shoot a man on television and brain-dead people would still vote him into power. There are direct quotes from Trump in there claiming that races are inherently greedy and lazy as well as court rulings on the racist practices he has instituted as well as court orders he

And second I still dont understand why Trump is a racist.

What they really mean is: “Please shut up, he hasn’t burned |my| ass too hard yet and I am still holding out for this thing that I want but can’t say in public out-loud that I want.”

The comparison photos have been confirmed to have been taken 45min. before the ceremony.