
Please stop spreading this lie. The NYT has confirmed that the comparison pictures floating around were taken 45min. before the ceremony started.

‘can you imagine the poor souls that are part of his “damage control” team.’

Yeah, no. You are straight up lying here. As someone else said in an earlier comment: Those who have |actually| seen a Rockette performance know that their audience is by and large families. You are literally making your point up out of thin air. Stop.

Two issues immediately rise from this stance:

Thought you would spend the entire article skirting around the fact that the Pebble is (was) hands down the Smart Watch doing things right and iterating on getting the category into a good place. Sad that Apple and Google didn’t go more in that vein or the Smart Watch space may have been thriving today.

Its fairly simple: Boomers need another generation to heap their failures onto. So: We get a tide of Anti-Millenial Articles.

Stop trying to make Gawker 2 happen. Its Not Gonna Happen!

Was in a pretty cheap sushi bar called Nangano this weekend and this exact situation came up. Got there and pulled the adjoined chopsticks out and realized they were exactly cheap enough that any way I could break them with my hands would leave splinters. SO I snapped it and a bit under the table I rubbed them to

Man, haven’t read a piece so wrong in so long I’m actually taken aback a bit.

That number is a very simplified estimate that is significantly complicated by the fact that modern “emulation” is a combination of true emulation (think: Running something in something else) which is highly inefficient and can be as bad as 21:1 and virtualization (think: Running something |as| something else) which

Ah, the fight took place in J-burg (“The great thing about this movie is that they are shooting Johannesburg as Johannesburg,”), that’s a known quantity . I thought you were implying that Wakanda doesn’t factor into AoU when it gets name dropped and is the source of the Vibranium as well as had scenes planned for the

What exactly gave you this idea? The city is shown to be extremely technologically advanced and the source for Vibranium; two things intrinsically tied to Wakanda in the comics.

DC has hand-waved all of this several times over in various media over the years. Has what they have done in that regard made lots of sense? Oh dear no, but there |are| answers. Ex.

BlueStacks |used| to be an awesome piece of kit if you wanted android programs on an x86 computer but the monetization path they chose is one of the worst. Basically: They have deals with shovelware companies to automatically install awful f2p games on your device automatically. Having used it for a while I can attest

This video is a capture of TGS goers playing the game and as such should never color your idea of the game meta. Having played just about every MGO on at least a competent level: Its by far one of the more complicated games to break the skill barrier in. In particular, there was a server on MGO2 that was setup to

Your rousing and heartfelt speech is exactly the heart-string pulling lip-service that congress comes to the floor and shits out before they go and sign blank cheques of billions of dollars to programs that are wildly over budget and where millions of dollars just go straight up “MIA”. I’m not saying down with

Many people have an irrational fear of Nuclear power-plants based on catastrophic failure of previous generation reactors. Desalination also produces some of the nastiest and most useless sludge as a byproduct that is heavy and a hassle to dispose of. Such a project would have massive push-back because of these