
Their marketing strategy is wholly irrelevant: On the front page of the site right now is anime and gaming content, content relevant to those of whom the otaku insult is fitting. Good job running away from my points once again, seems to be a pattern with you. But since you claim that I’m just running around with a

An otaku on kotaku? You don’t say. Must be some sort of a trend. Otaku is an insult for someone who spends too much time playing videogames and watching anime, I’m more than fine copping to that. What I’d like to see |you| claim is the fact that you ran away from your argument instead of wasting your time trying to

I was using it in the sense that his argument “couldn’t” be serious, but a lap around the internet suggests that I’m supposed to use it in the sense that it “isn’t intended” to be serious.

I read your entire diatribe about how EVA isn’t talked about and quite flatly showed how much of a facetious debater you are, the showing was the last thing on the agenda for the night when most people would schlep off to their hotel and yet the only seats in the house that were empty from start to finish were those

Oh look, its that time of decade when people swear up and down that EVA is gonna fade from the anime consciousness at large and its also that time for when they are just as wrong as they were in the early 2000s. How about we talk about another premiere: EVA 3.0 Dub North America, New York 2013 - The Hall was packed to

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Yep, literally everyone else is illiterate save for you. Bravo. If you would read your own post you would see that you clearly waxed poetic about how this is all jus a part of progress and immediately after drew the analogy of the mobile app market. No bullshit disclaimer to try to salvage your illusion of

As an outside observer: You volunteered an analogy that was spot on... in making your stance laughable. The current gaming app market status quo is a fine example of just how wrong this could all go, just as mtp informed you. Without even the benefit of a discrete standalone product as an app has. So: It can and

I am saving your post for posterity as its the most funny thing I've seen all week, thanks for the belly laugh. I don't know if English is your second language or if someone told you that what you do can pass for reading but man, its fun watching you fumble through forming words.

You really have outdone yourself with this, I'm literally laughing this time.

Did you just call Battlefield Hard-Line slow-paced? The game where you mow down players with a mini-gun from the sky, parachute in and are expected to take out the three people you've flanked with a single magazine to be considered a passable player? You must be kidding.

I've played the Hardline Beta and its a reskin that should have been made DLC ala BFBC Nam'.

"And no, you won't really be at any disadvantage for playing the game that way. "

There can only be one:

As a black-cuban male: The premise of this article is condescension incarnate and its frankly disgusting.

That's a common misconception that a lot of people have that AMD+nVidia really need to nip in the bud:

Sorry to burst your bubble: SLI is almost EXACTLY the test case where this issue would most likely rear its head (As anything running on a single 970 beefy enough to need 4GB would tank the card's FPS anyway) and its why none of the nVidia rebuffs have had SLI results.

Take me down as another person REALLY interested in playing MHO, I've got a VPN Unlimited account if I need to spoof my traffic to another country.

Talk about straight out of left-field. I have this exact SSD and I love it but it is a terrible idea to buy into it now. I got it for $40 a year and a half ago on refurb. These things have a terrible failure rate and even mine dumped data before the latest firmware. It was nice in its day but suggesting people buy it

Talk about straight out of left-field. I have this exact SSD and I love it but it is a terrible idea to buy into it