
When it was still viable circa 4 years ago: Certainly was. Now, when its full of known security holes and I see people shilling it like its still as resilient as it once was: Not so much.

Its amazing how the sub-heading "TOR does not have a backdoor" is one of the few with no links to back it up, even though it claims to cite numerous audits.

While you are a bit tinfoil hat about the whole "paid shills" thing your point is still valid.

Now playing

A properly Hyper-Threaded workload on an i7 will function similarly (and in numerous cases better) than the same load on a true octa-core processor from AMD. Doesn't excuse the fact that its not 8 real cores but instead 4 cores and 4 "phantom" cores. A similar process is done with Single-Core Atom procs.

Now playing

A properly Hyper-Threaded workload on an i7 will function similarly (and in numerous cases better) than the same load on a true octa-core processor from AMD. Doesn't excuse the fact that its not 8 real cores but instead 4 cores and 4 "phantom" cores. A similar process is done with Single-Core Atom procs.

Are you trolling him or what? This generation is by far the worst consoles for plug-n'playability and with nVidia & AMD both now installing autoconfig utilities with their driver it can be said that a properly set up gaming PC is actually much easier.

You claim to "fully understand" this stance but it still completely evades you so I'll break it down for you. When Inafune says "innovation" it has to do with "trying new things" you are under the impression that "trying new things" is a very strict doctrine of re-making the wheel to which I point you to any of

Just as you chide others for not knowing what they are talking about you really need to educate yourself on the situation as it stands.

Why don't they just bite the bullet and pay Statham to do this character right instead of burning through more wastes of celluloid?

If you had read the post properly you would know that they are going into the automated system by hand and reviewing the server logs for anyone on the forum that claims that they fall in the false-positive percentage.

As I also have Origin installed I can't say that its unbearable but claiming that its still not awful is also equally false. EA has merely fixed most of the |obvious| things about the service. Use of Origin still includes: Submitting your drives to the wanton scans of origin.exe (run autoruns and you will see at least

How exactly does one review an Oreo without a milk dunked test? EXPLAIN THIS MIKE!

Guess I'll be the little girl in the room and ask:

Asked to describe her ideal mate, Nakagawa immediately replied, "Someone who's better at games than me, loves cats, has old or raw wounds, has a beautiful kicking form, and can use nunchucks." Nakagawa is currently 28 going on 29 – as she put it, "The same age as Misato from Evangelion..." – so she has little over a

You are talking about straight up emulation. Which requires 21x the power of the guest system by the host system. He is talking about virtualization with a interpreter layer. An example of this would be a PSP playing N64 games. Power-wise you should not be able to run N64 games on PSP (and a lot of very vocal people

Two Words: The. Line.

"It really has everything Winamp does and more"

You are pulling that "fact" straight out of your ass. I have an OC'ed 6850 that cost $100 early last year that's running BF4 on ultra settings except AA, there are 7770 cards at $70 that will easily do the same. Buying a stock clocked card at retail is the only situation where $250 is the base price.