
I just popped in Darko Director's Cut Disc 2 and opened this thread.

Notice: I did not say that this is |currently| better anywhere in my post. I said that the engines this yields further down the line would be suited for a successor to HAVOK.

To understand why Luke and Rambo are so excited you have to know how games such as typical FPSes work.

Earlier today I was thinking about how HAVOK has been the engine behind how many FPSes work for so long that a suitable replacement is over-due.

" I do know it's an advanced networking issue you should never encounter on a piece of plug-and-play consumer hardware." Only point of contention in the entire article. NAT moderate or strict merely means there are ports in your internet connection/ firewall that the console favours that are not available so its

Didn't want to chime in with the rest but really: When almost every comment in a thread about tips tells you to fix your comment system, you should take notice.

Were different crash safety positions assumed by the Crash test Dummies to assess which was the most and least effective? If so which ones? (I'm especially interested in any non-conventional ones like the lay across the seat and strap yourself in position assumed by Liam Neeson in 'The Grey')

That would have to qualify for all imaging technology available to the USMC.

Not just you, progression is iterative between versions.

" RE: tiggle bitties and the desire to have them" Is that supposed to be Tig ole' Bitties?

So this is the way one retracts a statement (Diaz, switching to a W8 phone) without actually taking back what one has said. Fairly impressive attempt, I'd give it a 7/10.

To understand what they mean you need to understand a gaming concept Kojima wanted implemented since MGS: "A game without continues", in short he wanted there to be no viable way to quit out after making a mistake. If you kill the wrong guy the story would adapt without that guy and you'd get a terrible ending as a

Is it typical in a localization project for the dialogue to be synched up with the mouth movements (ala anime) or for the mouth movements to be re-done for the major languages.

Stop Already With the F*cking Jesus Diaz "Articles"

A cliché or cliche (pronounced UK: /ˈkliːʃeɪ/, US: /klɪˈʃeɪ/) is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect

One has to love the: "I totally followed a Facebook privacy guide and I'm completely secure!" posts. Note to the-not-so-wise: Now you just have to set the privacy settings for all your friends, enemies, family members, etc. I don't even have a real profile and I know for a fact there's still stuff about me plastered

@Muzikblue: Roundabout anti-Palin spiel followed by inane anti-Palin comment...on a Gawker site! Who would have guessed! /s

Hence your rosy view of it. Take this netbook I'm on for instance:

@Conti: The real issues with Vista were almost entirely due to terrible driver vetting, inversely Microsoft was very hands on with 7's driver development.

@FlameCell: Note: inb4 is not something the original point maker is supposed to use. Hence: I got in on the argument before (inb4) the inevitable point.