
No forgiveness need be extended brother in suffering, all is forgotten. Let us instead toast each other's valiant efforts to assure our relatives that "No, the internet is not [i]inside[/i] the computer!" and carry on our thankless responsibility to educate the untecsavvy.

Anyone who doesn't know GS put this person on camera specifically to drum up this response for the buzz is gullible.

I think you are sorely underestimating the ability of the least tech savvy to call up their tech savvy nephew at 7:30AM and guilt trip him into doing it for them with vague references of past favors performed when he was an infant.

To those calling fake: The premise is probably false but merely writing a script to capture his google searches and post them on twitter is at most a weekend project for even the least tech savvy

@Dyte123: Were it any other outfit I'd think twice but the lh crew are definitely worthy of a white-listing.

@Arsenal6: Kazuo Hirai:- We don't know who struck first, us or them. But we do know it was us that removed OtherOS. At the time, they were dependent on it for their hacks. It was believed they would be unable to retaliate with an obstacle as abundant as our squad of lawyers.

@quillaja: It is considered bad form amongst tech blogs to cut & paste someone else's content when a link can send them to the original, essentially doing the work of a site crawler. That said: A small preview image of his collection and a better description before the link would make this an acceptable article.

@AllanJH: Giz's writers have been pushing this: "All desktop OSes on tablets are useless" point of view since it became apparent the iPad would run a stripped down, touch version of OSx.

May I ask: Where exactly you got this information? LIVE's entire selling point on release was that MS runs the server farm for their system which is game agnostic, meaning any LIVE game was supposed to be playable as long as LIVE existed (In fact I still have the sales pamphlet that states such). They of course went

@jer102: 04/20/11 Test Subject JER102 has achieved fission successfully. Stability unconfirmed.

If you say: "You've just been carded" when you pull out the card I think you may have just invented the most stalker-centric card game ever.

@winstonsicle: Makes you wonder what those six girls and that cup are up to...

@Goblin: I can hear the Eng. Literature teachers sobbing at the feet of your post; their blood frothing with malice.

@strays2k: That depends on the filetype and player. VLC, having been designed to be as compatible as possible, will play as much of a file as it can get frames and audio for. Which is why I regularly use it to check videos while they're still downloading.

@Quayzar: While I love Firefly and admittedly it was mishandled by Fox schedule-wise it just didn't have the cost to profit ratio and built in audience of a regular sitcom, so they killed it. A better illustration is the show Titus: Cheap to shoot, rave reviews, great ratings for its slot; all shot down because an

You have two main options:

@Christicles: You're most likely going to get flamed for this post but in some respects I agree.

@tomcat1483: As @cpt said in a comment above: The thought of giving a process the exact amount of power it requires is pretty old. This guy actually designed a system that was agile enough to make it possible.

@Jerm Deeks: I've found that when posting on a gawker site that once you click the 'Share' button it is best to assume the post uploaded, no matter the actual response (whether that be returning without any confirmation or error). For posts with real thought put into them where trusting the system is a gamble I save a