
@Pat Chan: Seems alot of the members thinks you're a troll hard at work but anyone with a Baloo von Bruinwald XIX icon can't be that bad.

@Gio-Dude: Your comment about its incremental improvement really made up for the video and cystallizes why these annual sports titles are often left out of the runnings for GOTY.

@subnet6: & Gaucho85 The reason Craig is not convincing as James Bond to you is because he is not yet 'Bond'. He is merely an agent with the potential to be the legend.

@GreenishBlue: I'd suggest you read up on the Gawker Database Infiltration from outside sources. The entire debacle is actually the result of a |lack| of transparency, honesty and helpfulness as it has become apparent that the situation could have been entirely avoided if Gawker Staff had taken signs of a compromised

@seweroutlet: In case you don't get the idea reading through xybur's link: Versus is used in its classical meaning, i.e. "in contrast to", instead of "one facing another in battle". This idea is supposed to extend to every aspect of the game. XIII: Triumph, lighter story, female lead. VS: Tradgedy, darker, male lead.

@Chicken Pawks: I can vouch for it that the situation you described really wins over Zune followers. Back when the Z30 was released I despised the idea of a Microsoft PMP. Then my mother got back from a hotel opening with one in her gift bag and as the resident tech guy I was tasked with setting it up...she never got

@Polebull: From Article: "The VideoWave sounds fantastic, but so could any home theater with a budget of over five grand." Read to achieve.

@Møbius: Time to kick this gene into LUDICROUS SPEED in cats and make equivalent Scratchies to fight the good fight. Hold all my calls...

@KingFrog: Not deep enough? Try Complete.Global.Saturation! That's as deep as one gets...

@Akio Morita: What a brave soul. I wouldn't touch anything JS related with a probe attached to a predator drone operated from the depths' of Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD.

This post really takes me back. I never got to purchase LOZ:MM before my N64 crapped out, so when I downloaded pj64 it was the first thing I booted up. Pj64 had game-shark codes pre-listed and after going through the list I was way too tempted to pass some of them up. BIG MISTAKE.

@the_flee: The last line of your post makes the entire thing a laughable farce. It always amazes me how a hatchet job executed by minds who think like the governmental figures mentioned in this very editorial got people to turn around and slam one of the few politicians who gave a crap. While I may not support Palin

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Another game to add to the long list: Lumines LIVE.

@chefgon: Could you be so kind as to provide a detailed instructable for this mod. Thanks in advance if possible.

@Mizafim: I think its easy to forget why Anakin was swayed to the dark-side in the first place; Anakin gave into what I think are two of the more neutral yet powerful emotions that sway a Jedi to darkness. Namely Love and Over-protectiveness, neither of which is essentially evil (unlike most other Sith Candidates). As

@Mizafim: I am a moderate Original Trilogy geek...and your second point is a bit 1-dimensional in analysis of Anakin/Vader's character. During the battle between Vader and Luke for the Emperor's apprenticeship Luke declares that he can sense Good in Vader (i.e. That Anakin still lives within Vader and is the one who

@tedknaz: Some companies prefer to stay out of politics, especially as it relates to issues that may alienate future costumers. A better question would be: Why even have the vote if the court will eventually bypass the people's wishes?