
@zophiel: While young females may dominate the market for straps it really means nothing about the product itself. I myself carry one of these: [] on my phone. Am I less of a man for keeping it? Nope, its a nice conversation piece and a clean metallic edge is useful from time to time.

@Clifford T Meece: Wasn't being snarky, I was out on an expedition during the news. Just google'd it. Though I often consider it a measure of value rather than size; which is technically incorrect for me to do.

@Clifford T Meece: Bigger than MS? In what way? I sincerely hope you're just talking about the smartphone market.

@nateilage: You need to get more Star Trek: TOS in your system.

@puffa469: I think you hold those of standing in far too high a regard. There are millions with talent that outstrips their public counterparts to counterbalance those that cannot match up to figures like Jordan and Hoshinko. The only difference is they applied themselves more and were lucky to be in the right place

@puffa469: Save for your third example you're pretty wrong. 1) If you think no Japanese woman is going to start wearing heels, seek out breast implants and develop anorexia to look like that I think you need to look into just how easily people can be influenced & subcultures like the Ganguro. 2) Though Jordan is a

@Culebra: Another question for if the commenters can ask questions: While I understand the need for the original Xbox being taken off of the Live network to facilitate the addition of certain features, how is Microsoft going to address the fact that a number of us (myself included) paid for Live on the original


@dragonfang18: See, |that's| what these product placements should result in. Cheatcode-like goodness. If they'd change the packaging to the oldest available for the respective brands and make:

@Frizkie: The anodized part? That's a given; prep, proper technique and treating afterward are all part of any mod of this type. This video is more a: "I'm fed up and I'm not going to take it anymore!" piece. Though, John P. should probably put the steps for how to do a quality job of it and a disclaimer in the vid.

@JazzBri: Thanks for the advice anyway, sorry if I came off harsh with the response. Actually I agree, we give a bit too much credit to two men for the entirety of a wide array of products. Though I still blame the design team as just about every other laptop I've used has some degree of slant in that area. Special

@JazzBri: Irony: Just bought a pair of fingerless gloves with wrist guards to prevent carpal tunnel last week.

Every time I use someone's MBP I rest my palms and immediately think: "Is this the great design people keep telling me about? A work laptop that digs into your wrists? I'd rather the whole thing feel like cheap plastic than typing on the blunt side of a blade...". Seems I'm not the only one. Kudos to John P. for the

@Strixvaliano: Line between is heavily blurred these days. Though there are some pretty sweet anime posters that at least rival the cool of whatever j-pop/rock stuff the women in the poll listen to.

@mathemagician: Not nearly as much as an animesque poster of your ex advertising feminine products in the midst of a garbage infested bathroom...full of cockroaches.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Impressive, an answer that could not be boiled down to "nuh-unh!"; commendable. My answer falls under the template of the usual "financial availability" with one hang-up: The liberals (not saying that you follow the trope but it is the oft held opinion) think its going to be

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: People belch up those backwards numbers without realising one hilarious fact: The WHO has a multitude of points in that rank system for merely offering nationalized/socialized healthcare. That's right penalty for not having the type of care the WHO deems "best", and then people

I prefer the add-on Fission's implementation as it also includes a customizable Safari-esque in-address-bar loading bar and other options such as connection status display to the right of the current/moused over link.