
I’d argue that companies *have* come close to making a phone camera as *overall* great as that of the iPhone’s.

Your comment is not getting enough love... <3

This self righteous vacuum will match its owners!

So what’s gonna happen here is everyone is going to go back to pirating shows because the convenience no longer outweighs the cost. And then they’re all going to gripe about how everyone is pirating their shows again. We totally didn’t cause this! Never saw it coming!

For simplicity sake, I assume that sword cuts count just for points and not killing blows, as historically, the edge of the sword was never used to pierce armor like this. If you had just a two handed sword and had to deal with a fully armored guy, you’d either raise it high up and hit them with your pommel (the verb

Camera bump = no buy, regardless of phone brand.

That’s not how you make money, it’s how you make friends so you can make money later. It’s an investment.

Please please please! The tie of the hacker (guccifer 2.0) to Russia is the fact that his french VPN provider’s sign up page is in English and Russian. Then when a reporter wrote a question to guccifer 2.0 in Russian, he asked “is this Russian?” and claimed not to know the language. THATS IT! Thats the tie to Russia


Even the most die-hard Nintendo fanboys could be forgiven for not knowing about the 64DD.

Bluestacks was the main application I saw being used with a gps spoofer. But there are a number of videos on youtube explaining how to do it.

Yes, yes it was; Judy literally only became a cop due to a program (mammals for something or rather, I can’t remember it’s name) that was more or less Affirmative Action. In fact, they tried to pigeon hole her into a dead end position, while trying to quickly get rid of her if not for the intervention of someone with

Eeeeeyyyyyaaaaahhhhhhh.... I would say you missed a lot in this movie. There was a lot of overt and covert racial implications through out the movie; from the subtle ‘wool touching’ (people wanting to touch black people’s hair as if it’s exotic fur or something), to the more obvious preconceived prejudices having

No - Inside Out is WAY better. Zootopia is just another american racial Saturday morning cartoon-lesson

No, you didn’t miss anything, except the idea that it’s somehow brilliant to make a cartoon that is mostly just a hamhanded commentary on racism, while simultaneous perpetuating racist stereotypes for comedic effect. The movie “speaks” against racism, while tacitly admitting that it’s funny and great to exploit for

If you are at all interested in this watch “How We Got To Now” on netflix. The raising of Chicago is discussed in the episode on “clean”. (The entire documentary series is fantastic though!)

The smallest library of games and a major loss of market ground to the Playstation is offset by some of the greatest games ever.

Dude... slow applause.

Before we all work ourselves into a state of righteous internet outrage, there isn’t anything Chrysler can safely do to prevent someone who wants to get out of a car that’s in gear from doing so.

I think you underestimate the argument against, it’s really quite strong.

The problem is mostly bias on the behalf of the scientists. They want to believe in extra terrestrial existence, so they devise overly complicated excuses to explain away the simplest explanation, despite having no observed evidence to justify