You missed the best option! Black frame insertion
You missed the best option! Black frame insertion
No. The PS4 game looked so incredible BECAUSE of the tight camera. With Kratos blocking a large portion of the screen you can get away with a narrower field of view and lower render budget. But there were trade offs to that design choice. Mainly that in big fights you couldn’t see the enemies coming in around you.…
No. The latest Nintendo games have code that reference the OLED screen and higher clockrates for the “pro” version. If its real enough to be compiled into code... thats as real as it gets.
Thanks and I’m mostly the same. I also explained more in these comments that I strongly suspect we’ll have “pro” consoles this generation since the base consoles don’t have dedicated machine learning cores. PS5 hasn’t said anything about ML so I don’t think it has that feature at all! Nvidia has shown that ML 1440p…
I’m willing to bet that game doesn’t come out until 2022...
IMO “pro” versions are highly likely this gen. Both are missing machine learning support and Nvidia is making an EXTREMELY compelling case for why that matters!
There’s a major chink in PS5 and Series X that Nintendo might take advantage of! I’ll write about it here in case Nintendo fans or gamers care to know. The short of it is because of Nintendo’s partnership with Nvidia, I strongly suspect their new system will be designed around DLSS 2.0. With that, a 1440p image (and…
There’s a major chink in PS5 and Series X that Nintendo might take advantage of! I’ll write about it here in case…
These comments are crazy! Hardware wise the Series X is far more beefy than PS5. Ditto for OneX vs PS4 Pro. Microsoft is really pushing things! I mean consider that Series X is making 12 RDNA 2 TFLOPS... there isn’t even a PC part today that’ll do that!
Is it possible that YOU don’t get it? I clicked on the following references off this article https://richmondpledge.org/wp-content/uploads/11-Major-Misconceptions-About-the-Black-Lives-Matter-Movement.pdf
Terry Crews thought he was being a good negro by not whopping that guys ass - GOTPMA
Yeah i’m not saying the two graphs should match but you’d expect their trend lines to match. It doesn’t make sense for covid cases to have huge growth while deaths have a decline. Your prior explanation for that was that the deaths haven’t caught up yet. With the graphs I was simply showing that they DO have enough…
Thanks for the reply. I don’t think this is nearly as black and white as you are suggesting. For example point 1) Herd immunity. What if the most “at risk” population of elderly people kept social distancing while the younger population was getting covid19 and develop herd immunity? That seems to be what is actually…
The problem is, just because we flattened the curve, doesn’t mean that it will stay flat.
Analogies are never as good as the real thing. The stated purpose of the covid19 was to flatten the curve and by any and all metrics that has happened.
I’m curious to know what you think is the worst thing Trump’s done that would make you afraid of his re-election?
No. Trump calling coronavirus a hoax is fake news. Facebook has flagged the original Politico article as FALSE INFORMATION. And even Scott Pelley challenged Bloomberg on national tv that Trump was referring to the Democrat’s portrayal of the government’s response as the “hoax”.
Watch this, I can dismiss both impeachment charges with 1 sentence each.
You, and this article, are the pinnacle of fake news and what’s wrong with the country.
No... if the PS5 rumors of 9 TF are true, that is a pretty big delta. Though it should be noted that Sony went last minute megomaniac with the PS4 and they might do that again? With PS4 they doubled the RAM late in the development cycle which forced them to use the highest capacity GDDR5 RAM chips at the time. Highest…