It was always going to get worse. The point of the lockdown was to keep the strain off the hospitals. Most hospitals are back to pre-corona levels so now we can open things back up slowly and the hospitals won’t be overloaded. If they start getting overloaded we cinch back down again for a bit.
It’s bizarre...if the PS5 launches in November (as the PS4 did), we’re eight months out and know basically nothing. To be fair, we knew very little about the Switch until 2-3 months prior to launch, but that was incredibly unusual. But at this point, Microsoft is getting tons of attention by showing the fact that…
The difference is that you’re not paying for a game you already own a second time, which upsets their already overly-stuffed wallet.
Fat is beautiful, I happen to be fat. Having surgery to adhere to societal norms or to attract the “right” mate HELL NO. Thanks for your thoughtful replies, I enjoyed reading them.
You’re as delusional as he is. First medicare is not free. I paid into it for over 50 years and I still pay monthly premiums. I worked for it and I paid into it. I worked 3 jobs going thru college. I saved for my retirement and invested wisely. Now you want to tax capital gains and stock trades.
Do they instruct the contestants to scream out the words like they’re functional illiterates playing hangman for their life?
“I’d like to solve the puzzle, “WON-CEE UP-ON AH TYE-ME!”
“Great job, Lenny.”
Ever since the election, it’s assumed that the ACA (both the marketplace and the mandate) are going away. That means the insurance providers have no incentive to stay, which means the system falls apart no matter what.
John Lewis attacks Donald Trump’s legitimacy and Mr. Trump the wrong for responding? I think not. How does history get revised so fast?
When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.
Pizzagate isn’t a fair comparison. The sources for that story were proven authentic emails from Wikileaks that you could read yourself and an FBI notice about the use of code words pizza/pasta/sauce/hotdog/cheese by pedophiles.
Or what Hillary says every time she sees the voter turnout in support of her among African-Americans is not as high as she expected.
The smallest library of games and a major loss of market ground to the Playstation is offset by some of the greatest games ever.
Are you playing Uncharted 3 on PS3, because there’s a patch that fixed the aiming (You have to go into the options to turn the better aiming on).
Eh, typical Bethesda game really.
I wasnt being serious. I’m not getting a PS4 because there’s no reason to until Parappa 3 or Um Jammer Lammy 2 comes out. I have only played the first Uncharted but have all 4. I can’t bring myself to fire up my PS3 cuz it’s boring. I like my Xbox much better. Also, Tomb Raider was a hell of a game. Just picked up…
Hey Johnnie, I couldn’t agree more the Wii U has amazing, exclusive, original, great games. I laughed at the troll that replied to you!
Game creators will frequently storyboard out an idea, program it, animate it, apply finishing touches, then look at their creation and say, “I don’t like this. Let’s retweak it.” That happens.
“We thought this was a good idea until we realized someone might complain about it, then removed it.” would be more accurate
I thought you were talking about Fallout 4 until you got to DLC.