
Inconceivable! She's so CHARMING!

But what if we don't want her?


This picture of the late Philip Seymour Hoffman and his son at a Knicks game is heartbreaking.

Well, all the ones you've heard about got caught.

Damn it lady. Really? Just file for divorce! All these people who hate their spouses think they can out wit the system and get the insurance money, and they always get caught. Always.

Harriet Tubman was honored today with her own Google Doodle (the best way to be honored in our modern times, IMO). I wish Google would let you just choose a default Doodle because I would choose this one. It is both gorgeous and a wonderful tribute to an amazing woman.

My best friend in high school was a black male who identified as gay but who wasn't out to most of the people we went to school with. We always joked about the whole 'my gay/faghag' thing because we were both so bad at those roles. We were both nerds who were into fantasy books and comics. We could be ourselves around

If it makes you feel any better, those types of people can change once they become more confident in themselves. The president of my school's LGBTQ+ group was very much like that when he first came out, but now he's a totally different person. Even though he's still very much gay, he's a feminist and actively supports

I really liked this essay. One of my best friends is a male POC who self-identifies as 'queer' and is attracted to men. The last 1/3 of the piece was really excellent...he identifies as 'queer' rather than 'gay' and has also never gotten into the 'mainstream gay' culture for basically all of the reasons given above,

Thank you so much for acknowledging this-as a lesbian, I want to ally with and supper gay men, but so many of them just seem to hate me and women and especially lesbians. It's like the misogyny of our culture minus any tempering of female company; it's like gay men can find a level of disrespect straight men only

fashion industry. done.

Do gay men really objectify straight women more than straight women objectify gay men?

Sample set of 1 I freely submit, but some of the most repulsively misogynistic people I've ever met are young, newly "out" gay men. I swear the next man I hear use the word "fish" to refer to women, overtly or obliquely, will get my fist in his balls.

This is a good point. I lived in Manhattan for years and now live in Westchester County, and I have female friends here that lament the fact that they have no gay male friends because it would be "so fun!".

Thank you for saying this. Women do treat us like accessories at times, and it's very condescending and hurtful. Most of the time, I don't even know how to respond to this kind of behavior, because I wonder if the women who treat me like this even know what they are doing. I guess I just need to grow some balls and

Thank you, I'm getting a little irked at people normalizing this. "He's just being a teenager." No, he's just being a dangerous little fuckhead, not to mention if my kids pull shit like this as teenagers, I will be the very first one to call the cops on them.

Agreed. Being young isn't an excuse for being a total douchebag.

I don't know who you were hanging out with, but my friends did not do anything remotely like this at his age. We got drunk and silly — sometimes at bars, sometimes at home — and that was about it. We never went out of our way to destroy people's property, go drag racing, or fuck long strings of sex workers.