
I can't help but wonder if she will abandon the Kardashian name in favor of West. We'll just have to see who wears the pants: Kris or Kanye.

If you don't understand the Author's plight or reasoning for writing the obituary the way she did, then you were lucky enough to not grow up in a horrifically abusive household. It takes a true toll on the mind. Trust me. I say grieve as you wish!

This is fabulous!

I think that we should celebrate diversity in industries and media of all types. It's just a small step, but hopefully one day celebrities (models etc.) will be as diverse as the actual population at large.

People need to understand that there are other paths in life, and other ways to be fulfilled.

Some people are not as lucky as you are. :). Just enjoy the ride and accept the congrats! You aren't throwing your life away at all.

My Husband and I are not able to naturally have children (this is not something that every acquaintance and friend of ours has knowledge of) and I cannot stand the constant badgering for us to have children by anyone who I cross paths with. I cannot stand the judgmental glitter in people's eyes when I explain that we

This really doesn't bother me. Am I alone in that?

I don't usually say this, but good for Rosie for saying so.


Just...*applause* tear

Aw, cuuuuuuute! :)

I think it's cute and cool. I was sad when Adele lost so much weight, because it seemed the industry pressure got to her (I could be wrong). I like seeing women in the media that are more typical of those in oh, REAL LIFE.

A shame too, he is actually very talented.

Oh God yes.

I adore Kristen Wiig but this dress needs a brand new neckline and I'm not even sorry for saying it. I can literally hear the fabric screaming out for help. It's just pure Star Trek foolishness.

The Monogrammed Steak Brand section is pure magic.

You win. You totally won this thread.

And these are the people they pay to be on Television.... #facepalm