
If Disney has any remnant of a soul, they should offer her an official job.

Wait a while. Colorado's stress will be declining.

In my imagination the 50 Cent story went like this: 50 got someone else's breakfast, and, traumatized as a child by negative grapefruit experiences, looked at the grapefruit presented to him and, incredulous, said "What the fuck is THIS?" Ansari overheard, and misunderstood for the reasons of comedic

Now I have the sads. :(

I think it's pretty obvious that the only person Donald Sterling has to blame for his ruin is himself. He could have amicably divorced his wife and taken up with any girl of his choosing, but instead he tried to have his cake and eat it too. I don't feel sorry for him, his wife or that obvious opportunist who

Poor Toni Braxton. That is internalized Tea Party/Christian Right misogynist self-hatred right there. I hope she finds some peace and forgives herself.

"No biggie for me; it would have been 84 interminable seconds of chugging Draino and 'please kill me now' that I'd never get back,"

Oh really? Well then she made a good choice by not wasting both her time and yours. Seeing you just admitted you would have been an ungrateful little shit.

Sheen is lashing out like an

You can't spot reduce bro.

I adore MJ, and miss him a lot. This, though, is kind of terrifying. All of the parts are there, it should make sense ... but it doesn't. It's like those creepy wax museums.

What's weird to me is how the music industry is able to come up with "creative" ways to continue to pimp their artists. Somethings should just be left alone. RIP Michael.

I mentioned this somewhat below, but I find Anne's character arc to be really sad. She started out as this wonderfully imaginative, different girl, full of dreams and hopes and plans, and she ends up as basically just another housewife and mother because, I think, that's what the publishers/readers wanted. As far as

I wish there were tons of Rachel gifs out there. I often find myself pining for one.

Wow, this cat is like the Nicolas Cage of cats in terms of expressive reactions.

How the fuck is there a bag worth $100k? Who pays $100k for a purse? Is it carved from a fucking diamond or something? Someone needs to be robbed, clearly.

Selling the $100,000 ridiculously over-priced Birkin bag and then donating the proceeds to a 501(c)(3) charity would do more good, ultimately.

This is interesting. As far as secretly gay literary icons go, I find the argument for Jo March being a lesbian more compelling, but I can see how this interpretation would make sense. Anne was always more about friendship and imagination than romance. Though I think this author overlooks some of the Gilbert/Anne

I know LMM didn't want to write it, but I always found Anne's House of Dreams to be the saddest, and the least-Anne focused. Yes, there was the tragedy of losing little Joyce, but it seems that Anne disappears, in many ways, after getting married and moving to a new community. Leslie Moore's storyline is an


If that's your criteria for being a "violent, asshole nutjob with no self-control" how is Jay-Z not one an even bigger one? Jay-Z literally shot his own brother when he was younger and he stabbed a record producer he thought was bootlegging his album.