
Look, comedy is one of those sacred arenas where I think political correctness should have some flexibility. If the context, the delivery, and the joke itself are all funny and expertly executed, it doesn't really matter if it's perfectly PC. In fact, I think that sometimes humor in all of its brazen and insensitive

Congrats to this woman for her accomplishment, but wtf is with the snark on half-marathoners? Because you should never feel proud of your own accomplishments if there exists someone on the planet that can do better?

But why? If their dogs' behavior is acceptable to them, then that's all that matters. Training is what you want - if you don't care that your dog sniffs the counter, then it's fine if your dog does that. It's not a training fail. One of my dogs jumps and it's totally fine with us. She's not poorly behaved, she's just

Ours actually know the word "linoleum," because if their paws are on it, they're in trouble.

Argh, I hate the ring thing. And all wedding talk. I'm at that stage in life where all my friends are getting engaged/married and, although it's nice and everything, I just can't stand the endless talking about it. It's so boring.

Ha! The wrapping paper part hit home. I wrapped my boyfriend's present in nice stripped silver wrapping paper with a red and green bow I made from yarn and he gave me my gift in a brown paper bag with newspaper as tissue paper...

OMFG that scene with the circle of women admiring the ring.

Fill up the hole with water and hold it's head under the water? I have never ever heard him say that. EVER and based on his shows he would NEVER suggest doing something like that.


I agree. This is a great couple with lots of love. I have 2 rescue dogs and I love them tons but neither gets to eat off our plates. I don't like dogs begging at the table or getting in the way in the kitchen either, so very firm rules about "get out of the kitchen" and "no begging".

I like these people. They obviously love and take care of dogs even beyond their own - the video about the dog Sly that they rescued had me weeeeeeping. But 8 dogs licking the plates?! No, thank you.

Okay, those manners would not fly in my house, but OMG that lil back leg trying to get up at about 1:12!

And that's why my dogs are not allowed in my kitchen.

Planned Parenthood's media team sent a 2013 holiday card to media types that contains chocolate condoms, emergency contraception, and birth control (pictured, probably with my drool on it). Needless to say, Planned Parenthood is ***flawless.

I'm actually surprised at how much I want to see this movie because it seems like you're typical romcom, which I despise. But I guess I like this movie because instead of directing their anger towards each other, their directing it towards someone who deserves it, and I love how this situation has made them bond with

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The mom did it.

I wish she would figure out how she wants to pronounce "literally."