
I enjoyed the film, and I was glad Wolverine was not in it. The movie was about Jean and her struggle with her powers, not about her love life. It was also about Charles and how he was wrong on multiple levels from changing and lying to Jean to his constant seeking of approval.

I saw it and it was an enjoyable couple of hours.  I guess it's just popular to hate this film for whatever reason.

No one said it is 1953. When I look at a map of Trump voters, I can tell which states were super racist back then...makes you wonder.

Here’s the wild thing. Republicans focus on race MORE than liberals. Republicans want to ban Hispanics because of race. Trump started his campaign calling them rapists and murderers. The KKK, alt-Right, and neo Nazis are all racist organizations who specifically have home in the Republican party because they are

Seems like they qualified fair and square.  Fortnite streamers are the worst about complaining, so they should be ignored.  You wouldn’t think they even like the game given the constant stream of whining.

This impeachment “debate” is stupid. Did he commit an impeachable offense?  If yes, impeach. If no, don’t.

These are good, but there a so many more that are lost to history now. I always tell my kid that we’ve always been here, and we’ve always been smart, and we’ve always made major contributions intellectually, culturally, and physically. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

I’m not a right winger. I can guarantee that.

Ok, stop rignt there. Are they trying to put Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee on the $20 bill? This is official American currency.

I was never for Harriet Tubman getting on the $20, because it is divisive (even though it shouldn’t be).

A constantly changing (and editable) environment is much harder to prepare for than a static environment. You have process the change and react almost instantaneously.

Fortnite i cannot play, it just annoys the hell out of me when building starts. Stand and fight? Nah lets just build a tower into the sky and do a stupid dance.”

I’m sorry to the grieving family, but Nicholas Immesberger is responsible for Nicholas Immesberger’s death. It’s sad and I’m sure they are dealing with a lot, but I’m not sure this lawsuit will give them the resolution they are hoping for. Win or lose, the first sentence will always remain true.

After they boosted the pump and created the one pump META, it basically meant that you had to be a good shotgun fighter or lose. You could be the best mid range and long range in the player in the world, and it didn’t matter. A good shotgunner would get in range and one pump you.  It was honestly kind of frustrating

Whatever with these comments, I’m getting it October 4th, 2019.  If there’s a link to get in beta, let me know.   Bye, bye Fortnite.

I don’t think Ken can beat him. It would take a “pace” player like Matt Jackson or Brad Rutter a “pace breaker” like Austin. Whoever it is needs to be either faster on the buzzer and go on rhythm runs or have such an odd cadence that it throws him off. Making huge bets wouldn’t bother any of them either.

This is very simple. All of those things constitute American culture. Not one, but all. American culture is not one thing. It’s all those things. The separation you are making only exists in your mind. If you choose not to separate them and accept them all as equally part of America, you will understand. Foreigners

This is a bad take. She doesn’t have a penis and does have breasts. She always thought she was a woman, and they didn’t find any signs of her being a man until they did a deep dive on her physiology.

It’s a very simple concept. The country of America has one culture. American. How can that statement be false?

I don’t think you are racist or classist. It’s evident because you are clueless as to why what you wrote is wildly racist (which is honestly kind of refreshing).