
If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

“Still love the truck though!”

Imagine if Tesla spent tens of billions of dollars on proper R&D instead of giving it to their CEO man-baby!

Elon blowing smoke up people’s asses with his robot sales predictions.... What else is new because his yammering you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me forecasts are old, old, old.

but Lamar won’t let that stop him from driving the knife in even further with a new music video for the song.

Drake is wack, K.Dot is wack, this track is wack as fuck.

Waiting for this to happen to a white person, I’d wager. 

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

Any “human-driven vehicle” that does this means big trouble for the human.

Stories like this try to portray these types of situations, as though human driven vehicles have never done the exact same thing.

I mean tbf, if you go back to like NASA’s Mercury Project, there were loads of problems with its altitude auto-stabilization thruster programs and manuever thrusters. It look years for them work out the kinks and numerous launches.

How long are we thinking it will be before Elon publicly announces that he is switching sides?


he’s not gonna fuck you, dude

Yes, Tesla is partially responsible. The CEO has repeatedly over-hyped the tech and claimed it can do things it can’t. I hope the motorcyclist’s family sue both the idiot driver and Tesla.

You’re a fucking idiot.

You are safe space?

The Punisher, Male, misunderstood anti-hero.

Its almost like letting your CEO also be the CEO of a bunch of other companies is a dumb idea.

He should go to jail for manipulating his stock prices.