
I don’t think you are racist or classist. It’s evident because you are clueless as to why what you wrote is wildly racist (which is honestly kind of refreshing).

I’m not taking you out of context. In my very first response, I asked you to explain what you meant. When you did explain it, here is what you wrote.

I’m not taking you out of context. I am taking issue with your notion that White culture is American culture and everyone else a subculture. That’s not true. American culture is the combination of all of our cultures combined, and that is one culture.

I’m not. Maybe you didn’t mean what you wrote?

America is a monoculture. The culture is American. All “cultures” live, work and go to school together, eat largely the same diets, listen to the same music, and watch the same TV shows and movies.

I don’t know if this is just racism, but we have one culture. American. What do you mean? 

The “Alt Right” is not racist? It wasn’t Neo Nazi’s in Charlottesville? College Republicans aren’t having Richard Spencer and other racists come represent them? Republicans aren’t the people who support the confederate flag and monuments? Republicans aren’t electing people like Steven King?

Why would Tony Stark, who never met Gamora, and likely did not even see her in the mass of bodies, save her?  He snapped away everyone who had time shifted. That includes Gamora.  There is no more Gamora unless they find a way to free her from the Soul Stone.

No, it wasn’t. The reunion with Quill happened during the big fight, didn’t it? It was a cut scene like Tony reuniting with Peter.

To be clear, the Time shifted Gamora is also gone.  She was snapped out of existence by IronMan.  Gamora remains dead in the Soul Pit.  All of the Thanos time shifted people were destroyed, and this is backed by Starlord searching for her in one of the final scenes.  GotG 3 is likely going to be about finding Gamora.

It’s sadder because someone who understand that the deadly kind is real and has likely affected them is now a practitioner of racism. They don’t really have a problem with racism. They simply have a problem that they are not the one’s in the position to practice racism from their point of view. Understand now?

Yes, I have on all counts.

Yes, it is. If you share the beliefs of the author’s mother, it’s not that her actions weren’t racist. It’s that you are.

I don’t think most commenters here have actually had rental property.

That lead in story about your mom was absolutely brutal. We talk a lot about racism, and this kind is the most saddening. That Italian girl was probably just like your mom, but mom just couldn’t see past the skin color. It is a travesty. Everybody gotta do better.

Why not take him at face value? Everyone wants to be skeptical and read between the lines. Maybe the Epic Store is a hassle, and he doesn’t really want to be bothered with it. He’s likely asked for this in negotiations with Steam before, and he is now making it public since he has leverage.

Why not take him at face value? Everyone wants to be skeptical and read between the lines. Maybe the Epic Store is a hassle, and he doesn’t really want to be bothered with it. He’s likely asked for this in negotiations with Steam before, and he is now making it public since he has leverage.

If you allow and enable fascists, you are a fascist. “Sympathizer” makes it seem like we should think Jack Dorsey is somehow better, when in fact, he is worse. The backbone of facism is the soft spoken, unassuming fascist that goes along with their life thinking it isn’t so bad. 

I’m sure it will be 8% Republican given that’s the percent of African Americans who voted for Trump. There are plenty of centrist Democrats that share their economic vision who can fill that vacuum. 

Someone will always complain. I’m not sure a single person account is the best way to cover a change this large.