Two bits from sci-fi that have gotten me through more then a few hard times.
Two bits from sci-fi that have gotten me through more then a few hard times.
If the price jumps to $75 - $100 (which is the price point for many HBO shows) I wont buy it. Right now the retail price is listed at $45 on amazon which is a workable number.
True, they do make their money from the subscriber side. But I won’t subscribe to any pay movie channel so they aren't losing a customer with me. But if this was available now I would get this for Christmas. I have no way to justify a $50 to $60 purchase in March. Especially for a show my wife won’t watch and my son…
Thanks. I think HBO blew a huge opportunity to have this out for Christmas.
As someone who doesn't have HBO but is desperate to see Game of Thrones, does anyone know if they have set a release date for the season 1 DVD?
She turned herself in because her name hadn't been released. She knew that if she didn't and the police had to look for her the world at large would know who she was. I am sure she envisioned news vans parked in front of her house. I am sure that her name will eventually be released, but now the story is just a blip…
I don't want to get into a moral or legal debate about the use of Marijuana and I am sure I am opening myself up for scorn here. That being said I get just a little irritated every time I see one of those.
They cant pull a Dallas.
I really hope Bobby on his death bed is just setting up a return of the Angels/Cas. I mean come on, Bobby can't die... Can he? I mean did you see that awesome blind shot at the monster; he went all rifle whisper on it.
I know it isn't often talked about but there was A big budget movie made, and even a sequel (though the sequel was twisted so much that they pulled He-Man/Masters of the universe from the title). And I agree about M.A.S.K. I showed the first episode to my son recently and he loved it. Cars/Trucks that turn into…
Thank you.
He has said in interviews before that as the show went on the scripts started turning into 'Robin does something funny' with bits of dialogue for the rest of the cast in between.
Is that a typo about supernatural being on tonight or do I need to check my DVR... because it sucks and would miss it if it is on a different night.
That looks fun and I will definitely check it out. But I wonder, am I the only one worried that they didn't Kristen Stewart say anything in the teaser? I get focusing on the Evil Queen and the Huntsman, but they couldn't find a single line of hers to throw out there.
I am pretty sure that Dr. Lizardo despises Banzai.
Since the creator of the show doesn't even have an official copy (I read an interview where he mentioned having to buy a Mexican boot leg) of the series we are probably screwed. I had a friend track down bootlegs of all the episodes for me.
On Chuck with Sarah's mom showing up, how are we supposed to feel about her? She did after all basically abandon Sarah leaving her with a Con-man father. Sure chuck's mom bailed too but she at least left him with his (relatively) sane dad.
you mention Kris Kristofferson, but leave out Millennium
I don’t expect this to last. And I thought the partner shot the Big Bad Wolf at the end not Nick. Regardless of who shot him he was a fleeing suspect. While the guy was a monster there was no proof after he died. I know they pull stuff like this on supernatural all the time but they aren't cops and they know they are…
Having watched the first episode of Grimm, I don’t expect this to last. The lowest moment for me was when his partner shot a fleeing suspect in the back. While the suspect was a monster the cop didn't know that. I know they pull stuff like this on supernatural all the time but they aren't cops and they know they are…