You know what your right (I just started watching Nikita on Netflix). NBC is mirroring the CW's schedule. I dont know if I should be proud of the CW or sad for NBC.
You know what your right (I just started watching Nikita on Netflix). NBC is mirroring the CW's schedule. I dont know if I should be proud of the CW or sad for NBC.
Yeah HistoryChick, I am old so the whole people are going to be going out this weekend never even occuried to me.
I have Grimm set to TiVo tonight, but I have to ask the following. Is NBC crazy? They create a show that is catered to the Supernatural crowd and then air it against supernatural. Am I the only one that thinks that is a recipe for disaster. Or are they just expecting DVR’s to save it.
I remember seeing a NOVA special on dreams. And if I remember correctly they turned the motor neurons back on in dogs and cats and studied them as they walked around while asleep.
If you are going to try and use the cast of The Three Musketeers to get me excited, which it mostly does. Stop adding Logan Lerman's name to it, his presence sucks the joy out of it for me every time. Would it have killed them to hire ONE French actor or an unknown and make him D'Artagnan. Or if not that then at least…
I didn't sleep for a week after I watched Nightmare on Elm Street at a friend’s house, I don’t even think I had started school yet. While Wizard of Oz may not have been made with kids in mind it is at least not a horror movie. Horror movies are designed to instill terror so that isn't a fair comparison. Now let’s…
My wife had the following conversation with my five year old son
They made that already.
I wish supernatural had the budget to bring Mark Pellegrino on full time, and have him in every single Sam scene. Dont have him do anything just have him standing in the background, looking at books, playing with some random victims hair. Just show that he is always there messing with Sam.
Wasn't this pretty common before the advent of VHS. I believe this is how some older movies stayed on the top grossing lists for so long.
I'll give you that.
Didn't Scotty admit in TNG he fudged his repair times, so he could look like a hero?
I have Starz at home because it is free with my cable package. A few times they have accidently billed me for it and I immediately call them and tell them to cancel Starz. I get that Starz wants to take HBO's throne, but why try. Too many business people seem to think the only way to make money is to be #1.
A friend of mine told me once when he was in the navy they used to refer to the F-14 as the flying tennis court. I said I don’t care it is still awesome. It was a sad day when the navy retired them.
If the game "Escape ffrom butcher bay" is cannon then he did get them in prison, becuase there is a scene where he gets it done. I tend to say it is becuase Vin Diesel founded one of the studios that produced the game. No mind you they could easily be retconning his eyes I am just asking.w
I ref: to Alpha Kid, didn't Riddick get the "shine job" when he was in prison as an adult?
I wasn't really excited about seeing this when I first heard about it. I just watched Spider-man's origin story not that long ago. But after seeing this trailer I will give it a shot.
Given their collective ages you have a point.
Not for Craigs third film, he is bond now. When they recast him they can do the mass cameo's. Mind you I am still holding out hope that Colin Salmon, gets a shot at Bond.
Netflix has already lost money from me. The second I heard about this yesterday I talked to the wife and we dropped our account down to streaming only. I told her not to even bother waiting for the 9/1 and too just do it now.