
I wish networks would view shows as 10 - 13 episodes. And if those 13 do good then bring the production team together and say ok give me another story. If they don’t have one then never mind well do something else. TV writers seem to do their best work when they are days from being canceled. I am sure there are

With falling skies, is that supposed to renewing instead of reviewing? I am not trying to be sarcastic I am just trying to clarify? I would assume most networks are pretty much constantly reviewing all their shows in trying to decide what to put on next year.

I never watched Enterprise so that will be nice. And I would like to watch DS9 again.

When I convinced the wife to let me order True Blood season 1 last night she mentioned how she missed this show. All around we enjoyed the Gates and I would have liked to see what they would have done with a second season. Mainly because they sort of started a small civil war in the Vampire community towards the end

I think (And this is just a personal opinion with no basis in reported facts) that Cruise had a lot to do with the tinkering behind the scenes. This was his first project after losing Salt to Jolie and I am guessing he was really nervous and let his nerves make some bad decisions for him. He needed a hit and so he

The problem with Knight and Day wasn't necessarily the directing. Though I agree all short comings of a film are the director’s job to correct. If you look at IMDB Knight and day had something like 12 writers. Honestly the first thing I thought when the movie ended was - too many writers. It was obvious (too me at

Well I was a highschooler in the mid/late 90's so maybe I will give it a shot.

Was Roswell any good? I only know one person who watched it, my wifes grandmother and she is not a reliable source. I saw that it was available on Netflix and was thinking of giving it a try.

double post.

I feel it is necessary to quote Chuck on this one -

@El Sabor Asiático - And that is my point about him approaching this like a film. He wanted to produce 100 episodes of TV on his dime and then try and sell it? What if people don’t like a character or a subplot. With everything in the can you are screwed with tweaks. Plus if it doesn't get ratings we never see past

@storymark - I am being a bit picky I can admit that, but there has to be a line between no planning and too much. I think Lucas is approaching this like he is making another film, and TV is a whole different monster. I would love a live action Star Wars show, I just think he has set it up in such a way that it will

Unless he is the person backing Bane and only shows up in the beginning to give direction or the end as a big reveal. Plus if you stick him in a wheel chair it puts something into Bane breaking Batman’s back.

50 scripts for Star wars the TV show means nothing. I am all for outlining an overall arc, but scripting that many episodes in advance is a bad idea. What if one character, even a semi-minor one doesn't click with audiences. What if an actor 22 episodes in dies, it has happened before. Lucas should have brought in

I fear a movie would be devolved to something for children. As a novel I would definitely give it a read.

This would have been great during the tornado's last month. AA and D batteries were sold out everywhere while C's were easy to pick up.

I was really excited for Ep. 2 after watching Life as a House... I actually left the theater and looked at my wife asking what happened. He was so good in life as a house.

Is anyone else having a problem with pictures loading correctly? I just recently noticed the problem.

I saw that same special. I thought it was interesting that as soon as the great white was killed all other GW's fled the island. If I remember correctly the researchers were confused by the speed at which they left too, something about most of the sharks being too far away to know of the attack.

Many of these shows hold a special place on my mantle of great TV shows. Forever Knight, Time Trax, Brimstone, The Dresden Files, New Amsterdam. I particularly feel like Brimstone and New Amsterdam were canceled far too early.