
This shit isn’t free from the government, you realize? I pay more than my fair share of taxes so that the public schools near me can do the important work of educating the next generation, even before having kids of my own who attended those schools. Part of that is making sure they can focus and providing meals.

This is the most French crime ever

So. Much. This. As a lifelong progressive I just want to shake Conservatives by the shoulders while screaming “I’m trying to save you and your children you obtuse assholes!”

Yeah this. My husband is a conventionally attractive guy of average, fit weight. He fell in love with me when I was in a size 18/20 and has loved me at every size under the sun after that. Not once. Not even a single time has he ever made self-congratulatory remarks or posts telling the world how much he was into me

I can’t even with the hate southern potluck dishes get. No, I do not love them every day. But for the life of me under the right circumstances, if those potluck staples aren’t the most amazingly nostalgic, magical bits of comfort food around. Like I get it, these are not sophisticated dishes but they make flavor magic

That’s truly unfortunate

I’m on the young side of 30 and had a hiatal hernia repaired with my gastric sleeve surgery. I never had trouble eating due to it prior to having it corrected- not even sure that’s a symptom. This doesn’t mesh.


I’ll be back in Mexico, land of my people. I already live in Houston, surrounded by Mexican influence to begin with, I’m cool with it.

The hat/fur combo definitely suggests “where my money at”

I have 3 darling sons, the eldest being 11 and 12 and my heart just fucking breaks reading this. I see my kids in all children - I feel such a connectedness as a mother that I physically ache. Fuck this sorry excuse for a parent so hard - I hope that little boy survives and is placed with someone who will love and

Holy fucking christ on a cracker this is all just so incredibly embarrassing.

It makes for good cover! “Turn up The Office and lock the door!”

Yeah no. Shut that shit down.

That’s our modus operandii as well: grown up time. This is either Netflix and actual chill or Netflix and “chill” but either way, there will be Netflix.

Yeah, my dad is Papaw to my sons so that’s really too close. I can see how “Pops” could have a certain retro, j’nes cest quois. My youngest has been calling me Mama since he was around 2 and I still don’t know where he got it - my older sons called me mommy then mom.

Yeah no...someone speculating my kid may be on the spectrum has happened to me - one of my best friends has Asperger’s and she noticed similarities between them - and ya know what? I didn’t sue her! Instead I listened then said, you know what, you’re right and he probably is on the spectrum. Because being on the

Yes! One of my childhood obsessions. My husband, who had never seen them as a child, was quite traumatised upon my forcing him to watch them. He’s convinced they’re the weirdest thing he’s ever seen.

This is infuriating. Her interests sound just like my two tween sons’. Geography is a bitch: I’m sure they would have been good friends. I’m so incredibly grateful for my kids’ schools and school district. They don’t “do” bullying. My sons also attend a magnet school for gifted and talented kids but aren’t in the G&T

My husband and I agreed that this was the scariest. True or not, we are telling this story to our kids because it must live on.