
This is why having difficult discussions with loved ones in advance of your health going into decline is so important. My dad is dying of dementia and would surely kill himself if he could grasp that he’s literally losing his mind. He always prided himself on being an intelligent, well-read person. I’m much the same.

I am downright evangelical (lol) about peeing after sex! I’ve had very regular sex for almost 20 years now (damn!) and not a single UTI - ever.

So that’s not it really. My kids have been into her since before her songs were on the radio and she’s been dressing like this since she was a 14 year old kid being produced by her brother in their basement at home. She doesn’t have A Team like most other pop stars. Young people can find their own fashion you know?

Hey buddy - go fuck yourself. My Mexican ass can trace roots to living here before Texas was Texas and we aren’t going anywhere. Brown people have always been here and have subsequently been forced to share this land with everyone and amazingly haven’t gone on shooting sprees because of it. This country’s diversity is

I’ll join the chorus of Not-Straights Married to Men. Happy to be here, thanks.

Legit just stopped my 14-year-old son from concocting a breakfast sandwich of blueberry bagel, cream cheese, scrambled egg, cheddar and sausage. No baby, mama’s here. 

I don’t understand people who are ambivalent about food or see it as “just fuel for the body”. Do you not have tastebuds? Standards as a human? Is it laziness or ignorance?

This quote alone gets nearly daily play in either my home or office or both. And not always by me, surprisingly. 

This was the only appropriate takeaway. See you on Twitter!

I concede, that is also likely the case

As an actor this annoys the everloving fuck out of me! Directors who think they’re “auteurs” and want “authentic reaction”: get better actors you moron. Acting is SIMULATING life. What these jerkoffs want is to direct porn with performers who haven’t consented to it. GTFO with that. Grinds my gears just as much as

Add this to the list of reasons why I’m attempting to raise my kids with a healthy dose of skepticism of any adult (or large age-gap mentorship if they themselves are an adult at the time) who seems overly interested in them. Yes, there can be meaningful and healthy mentoring relationships, but I want to galvanize

I have a lovely rainbow sequin dress and an assortment of pastel wigs I regularly wear out on the town as a 35 year old mother of 3 and nobody says boo about it. To the club, birthday party, just for the hell of it with girlfriends - sequins and living it up FTW! 

Pro Wrestling FTW as guilty pleasure. That shit is alive and well in my house of men and we all know it’s ridiculous.

I didn’t watch the preview yet and honestly can’t now that I know this imagery exists lol. I was an underproducer and the day I accidentally knocked over a FULL bottle of pumped milk from 2 separate pumping sessions at work, was truly one of the most harrowing and emotionally taxing days of my life. I cried. For a

Sally Fields was amazing in Eye For An Eye.

Here we go: he doesn’t have to be “predatory” to still be in the wrong. Just because you’ve had the same experience, doesn’t mean it’s ok or should be the norm. Get your shit together ladies: this behavior shouldn’t be normalized and I don’t give a shit how funny you find Tom Haverford. Aziz is a grown ass man who

I’m both excited that I finally have a good story to share this year of my own and terrified to commit to writing because then, hell, I guess it really happened.

Um How to Train Your Dragon taught me this years ago