
This gave me a cackle.

The real news here is that Elizabeth Hurley quit acting and became a judge in Indiana. Good for her.

My wife and I recently lost our twin boys, Anton and Colin, at 20 weeks gestation. They were handsome, they were healthy, but my wife had an unforeseen and undiagnosed incompetent cervix despite being on bedrest for most of the 20 weeks, and we were advised that we need to deliver or we would lose three lives instead

I love how Republicans are soooo scared of that word!!

I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.

Powerful to be sure. AND ALSO:

As we address the inappropriate behavior displayed by several students ...

How is “a woman afraid of what society thinks eventually overcomes that fear and does what she wants” not an improvement over “a man roofies and rapes a woman who just wants to get home to her family”?

Someone on Twitter recently (I wish I could remember who) pointed out that, the way it was originally written and performed, what this song is really about is a woman who wants to buck social norms of propriety and stay with him but feels pressured to leave so she doesn’t suffer social consequences and stigma. And

I hate the trend of having a fit over the trends of the moment and acting like your special because of it. There’s a sort of irony in this “I’m so above this, I don’t just do what everyone else does” that so fricking many people do. The trite culture of complaining about trite culture. If you don’t like it don’t do

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

okay but i finally learned how to fold a fitted sheet and that was a proud moment

We librarians are still patient and long suffering. Now it just involves explaining to patrons that we don’t know their AOL (!) password and no, the My Documents folder on the public computer does not contain the items from their home computer’s My Documents folder.

It’s not exactly the same as Google, because I’ve never called my library and asked for pictures of naked guys wearing glasses.

I must be the most burnt-out reference librarian in the game, because these questions just made me want to crawl under my desk and drink

When I was in high school, I carried around a notebook with a list of topics I wanted to research but couldn’t find in the school or public library. You know, in case I found myself near a different library.

“Nameless Fruit” would be a good band name

I work at a public library and my department phone number used to be Periodicals, Arts and Recreation, but is now Youth Services. We still have a very sweet elderly lady who calls and asks us the hints on her crossword puzzles.

My best question: “What kind of animal is stuck in my chimney, do you think? It makes this noise: ‘Sqqquuuueeeeeaaaal!’”