This gave me a cackle.
This gave me a cackle.
Haven’t gotten past the first sentence because MAYBE JUST TODAY WE SHOULD NOT HAVE THAT BE THE LEDE.
Congrats for being mean to a stranger on the internet today!
Can someone please explain to me why they wouldn’t like this? I see this and I’m like CHANCE OF A LIFETIME because 1) Broadway x Broadway 2) free 3) pure joy 4) talent 5) a million other things that are great.
I’ve heard people say they wouldn’t like this or that it would make them feel awkward. I just don’t…
Some life-changing help with pie crusts is about to fuckin' rock this place.
So I've done a couple pies, and I've made the crust maybe two or three times. Unfortunately, this now makes Mr. Dupa's family believe I am the Pie Goddess. Which like, not mad, Team Pie. BUT. It does mean that I freak the fuck out a little bit…
iiiiiiii wouldnt' say he can tap. I'd say he can throw his limbs around in a way that is reminiscent of a tapper but, much to my dismay, he can't tap.
S'okay though, still pretty great in general.
OMG, Andrew Keegan is so the Nietzsche of our time because TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE.
I don't, just because it's not that I never, ever want to have sex. I just usually don't, and it's easy for me to go from wanting to to not wanting to. I have sex dreams and all. I just... I'm engaged to someone with a very high libido (like masturbates four times a day libido). He's very understanding, but I still…
Yes! I get super excited about kissing. I get super excited about above-the-belt play. Then after that, it goes from the ahhhhhhh this is happeningggggg! feeling to... uh, ok, I guess I'll do that? It's like an escalation that stops at nipple play, and then I'm confused as to why it had to really move further when I…
So apparently this is super unpopular, but I'll be honest and say that the original article is pretty much how I feel about sex. I started having sex at 16, had my first orgasm at 21, and really honestly have never figured out what at the fucking fuss is about. I have orgasms regularly, but I am almost never in the…
Oh man, I really needed to hear this right now. I'm getting married and part of me likes traditional wedding stuff, part of me doesn't, and all of me has a mother that is Very Opinionated about how things should be. I asked eight (EIGHT!) of my friends and closest family members, as well as my fiance's sister, to be…
I really needed this, and I'm saying that as a conventionally attractive not-yet-30 something. Hell, everybody needs this.
WHAAAAAAT is this from. I don't have cable and can't watch the Oscars, so gawd help me I'll watch whatever this is instead.
We're all still madly in love with him from Clueless, yes? Yes.
Same here. Although I don't have this "waist gap" problem that some folks have (or as I tend to think, the not-a-problem problem). I have really small hips but a butt, with a medium waist. In any case, AE seems to wanna give me enough stretch where I need, and stops the pants from becoming un-fartable.
I tried everything under the sun and then said EHHHHHH FACKIT and bought myself a pair of American Eagle jeans and OH WAIT THESE FIT PERFECTLY and don't cost a ridonc amount. The hell with designer jeans man.