
Air conditioning. A lot of us does not have it. From what I know, most places that hot have AC errrrwhere. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'll be sitting in front of the fan until you do.

Is this what the gays have to resort to now in order to get married?

I actually do know what my butthole looks like! Wheeeee!

@bluefootedbooby Not at all. I'm 25. Do you mind if I ask what kind of high you were? I had been smoking weed. I think there is something about the disconnect, but also how all sensations are heightened when you're high. I can have orgasms now from oral, but still the best ones are when I'm high. I think what also

I think we're the same person. Except I didn't even have my first orgasm until I was 20, and started having sex when I was 16. I also think a lot of it is from having sex so young, and being sexually harassed by guys in my high school. My parents also never, ever talked about sex with me, except in really vague terms,

@Biologeek Um, PLEASE have her write a book?

There is no "like men" or "like women." PEOPLE can be crude, but they never allow women to be that way in funny movies because it takes away from them being "women," aka dainty, pretty, desirable, fuckable, etc. etc. So, uh, yeah, I consider it a pretty big deal that I can see a movie that isn't just portraying women

"Exquisite Hauteur! Is that the new fragrance from Tom Ford?"

She does actually have blue eyes but, much like many people, her eyes changed color depending on what she wore. People talked about her "violet eyes" way back when she was in National Velvet, and that was definitely before colored contact lenses came out.

I think it's fair for Vilanch to complain about someone he employed. Besides, everyone saw it, and it's not like no one will ever hire James Franco again because of what Vilanch said. Franco could say that he doesn't appreciate it, but MS Paint? Really?!

I think it's interesting that you cite tasteful jokes as the reason people are giving for his performance. I can't really think of any tasteless jokes that Anne Hathaway made, but she was far and away the better performer that night. He was boring because it looked like he was bored. It looked like he was reading off

Ugh, this is so irresponsible! There are plenty of people that, after pulling over to the shoulder of a highway, mere feet away people driving 60-90 miles per hour, have been hit by a vehicle and killed. THAT'S why you should only pull over if it's an emergency - 'cause it's really not that friggin' safe!

That you're lucky to be a Wildcat?

For all the haters, I gotta say that I think you've gotta cut her some slack. Maybe I'm naive, but I buy the Saturday-night-not-a-journalist-right-now drunk dial because 1) I'm a journalist and 2) I would have totally done that, and so would a lot of us after a few drinks. If you do something like call Charlie Sheen

Wait, Britney Spears has a daughter?


"He is precious to me."

Puh-lease, like Prince gives a damn about your wedding ring. Just show up naked with raspberry berets over your naughties.

Photo 1: How Sharon Stone's character actually saw the interrogation scene in Basic Instict.