
@CWnerd12: They haven't really taken over yet. I get what you mean though.

@Sandicomm: Thank you for this. My fandom was itching.

@Philippa Marlowe: My guess is that those locks are probably extensions.

You know what the world needs right the fuck now? An all-Aretha Glee episode.

@banalna: Uh not by me, because then we would all be labeled as assholes.

@muzzyelgrande: Agreed. Peeing on the string = always. And pee is sterile, so I never worried about it.

Sooo the first one I had was a Keeper and uh... I'm not from a very liberal, open-minded location, so there weren't a whole lot of ladies to ask (slash I was terrified of getting a virus on my computer from Googling it, since the only Trojan virus I ever got was from searching for how to compute my bra size).

@jrobsf: I used mine when my period was still happening with my Mirena. No problems, although I have heard it's not a suggested thing to make a practice of.

@MissLagsalot: Hrm... When I was using it. I would reach up, pull it a good deal out, and then reach up again to get my thumb around the lip of it. This would break the seal before I would take it all the way out, avoiding the "pop" you're talking about (all it did for me was splooge the stuff all over, which I guess

@thatgirljj: While I agree that the overall image of pole dancing needs to be less sexualized, I can sort of understand that hashtag considering that this was taken at the Erotica 2010 show.

@Hey Girl Hey: I actually kind of liked that they used it AND called it out. I would prefer that they add a disclaimer to this article saying, " received compensation for running this ad." Overall though, I think it's refreshing that they're getting paid for an ad like this and still have the chutzpah to

@BiBiVirtue: The funny part is that I would have no idea that the Photoshopped image is Iman. PR fail!

@youtouchedmytralala: Interesting point. I never would have thought of that. However, until Photoshop is completely ruled out in a photo, I feel like we can never really know if this was the lighting or someone's idea of "prettier."

I shall now refer to boning as "a splinter waiting to happen."

@Kenyakarma: I've cheated before on boyfriends, but I haven't done that since high school. I think the big difference for me (besides not really having a desire to cheat in the first place) is that I started thinking of it as beyond just feelings. I am putting the other person's health at risk.

@cisum88note: Sorry! Commented on the wrong thread.

@Nun Shall Pass: Shhhh no! He's totally filled the hole that Zac Morris left in my heart!

@HeartRateRapid: I'm starting to think that everyone does, but we just don't know it because we don't have a bajillion cameras tracking the people we know. Of course, this comes from the fact that almost every man I know well turns out to be a total scumbag at some point, save for my current beau (knocking on bird's

@BioLady: Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill Nye, the science guy.