
I live in Portland. Hi! Are you looking for anything in particular? Upscale dining? Middle-of-the-road, or el cheapo? Outdoor activities, or indoors? The Portland Food Map is super helpful re: food (ignore the terrible design), although I’d be happy to make specific recommendations if you’re looking for certain types

I just wear a pair of Tom’s that I got on sale at Nordstrom Rack. Thus, they are magically house slippers and errand-running shoes.

Considering how large the casts tend to be in Wes Anderson films, I don’t think each movie having one to two POC apiece is much of an achievement.

Is that the consensus where you work? All the food workers I know in town are kind of quietly chuckling behind their hands over the whole thing.

Mommies, remember that your alienated children are going to pick out your nursing home.

Renner offered a passive-aggressive non-apology, whereas I’ll give Evans credit for penning something which sounded authentic. I’m sure they meant to be funny, and I’m sure that they’re tired from this publicity poledance of theirs.

Gosh, Rachelle is an actual goddess. She reminds me of Alice Braga.

Yeah, I'm afraid that I'm only limited help there. Usually I'd recommend one of the Polish brands, but if you're looking to avoid wires that won't really apply. Have you tried checking with groups like A Bra That Fits? They're a veritable bra encyclopedia.

Yeah, I'm afraid that I'm only limited help there. Usually I'd recommend one of the Polish brands, but if you're

What's your band size? The sports bras made by actual bra companies — especially the UK companies like Freya or Panache — tend to be helpful in that situation.

What's your band size? The sports bras made by actual bra companies — especially the UK companies like Freya or

Whoa. Did some Moving Comfort employees decide to get their marketing on?

Whoa. Did some Moving Comfort employees decide to get their marketing on?

Sad to see she's still up to that. Her weird little war with the Honest Toddler blogger seemed like the end of the trademark needling.

I already wrote Sephora off for marketing 50 Shades of Grey products. So this is double the reason, hooray!

Let's not forget that gas is back to less than $2/gallon. The '90s really are back.

There's a pizza parlor near me which does tomato sauce, prosciutto, peperoncinis and cream cheese. At first glance it's disgusting, but damned if it isn't a really nice combination of flavors and textures.

Thanks! I'll give it a shot. Fingers crossed.

That is weird as hell. I'm assuming there's no way to fix the issue other than having the blog (re)follow you?

Is that not semi-common? My comments haven't shown up at all since Jezebel's last Kinja update. As in not grey, but nonexistent. It's like being shadow-banned.

Don't forget the incredibly dismissive response to commenters who bothered to raise that point. "Catch the fuck up", indeed.

A life-sized douchebag.

Probably because it's not even 10 AM Jez time, so chances are there's yet an article to come. I've noticed that they tend to run a day or so behind on certain stories, besides.