Saga is amazing. A family-oriented Star Wars sauced up with some comedy and some sex. I love that series to pieces.
Saga is amazing. A family-oriented Star Wars sauced up with some comedy and some sex. I love that series to pieces.
I just finished Mechanique (amazing prose poetry) and The Wicked Girls (a not-bad mystery-shaped novel), and am currently reading Michael Chabon's Summerland as a break. Fresh from the library are She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth and My Real Children.
Muzzles work just fine.
Mine's the same. I haven't seen one of my posts actually show up on Jez, nor have I received any responses, since the latest version of Kinja rolled out.
Tom Selleck was interviewed for the GQ age issue (THANK GODDESS). He says he has never given his mustache a nickname. How is that possible?
And grandma nightgowns/muumuus, plus cosmetics and bath products that haven't been seen since the 1970s. I work with the company sometimes — Vermont Country Store's offerings are nuts, but impossible to look away from.
If that's how Kinja works now, I should own Gawker for having neither watched nor read anything Nicholas Sparks-related. (But will compromise and accept not being in the grey any longer.)
Yeah, that seems like a Jez/Gawker headline rather than something the author put together.
I don't know why, but the fact that mall pet stores are still a thing bothers me.
My gentleman friend woke me up in the middle of that night that way. He'd neglected to mention that earlier in the evening, he'd taken part of a "EAT THESE THREE GHOST PEPPER-DOUSED WINGS, AND IF YOU SURVIVE WE'LL GIVE YOU A PRIZE" (the prize was not dying). So I went from a dead sleep to a happy little "oh, hello",…
Christ. I shopped there for years. For awhile, it was my gold standard for comic book shops. Now I feel like I need to go scrub off my first layer of skin.
So it looks like almost the entire cast is female, and the majority of them are not white. This is me not complaining about a second Dora show, and instead being delighted.
Have you seen the Babylon episode yet?
I would cheerfully light all the AHS sets on fire if it meant we got Clancy Brown back on Carnivale as Brother Justin.
Some friends and I all used Lush deodorants pretty religiously for awhile, but found the occasional allergic reaction cropped up for about half of us. So the products are good, but testing is important. (Plus they discontinued Aromarant, boo forever.)
Let's just take a moment to appreciate "Gawker is sacred ground" and then move on with our day.
I left the North Shore. Can someone give the Beverly Public Library a quick hug for me? Oh, and also the Friendship. (Is it still docked?)
Sixth grade! That's intense and a little odd. I found it in middle school and read it like it was my job, only to be a smug little jerk when freshman bio required us to read it. "Oh, yeah, I'll just bring in my own copy then?" Ugh, self.