
I mentioned to my friends that I wish we could get a purely Miles-centric story after this trilogy closed and they looked at me kinda crazy. I think Miles is a great character and would love to see a story about him being Spider-Man without all the multiverse shenanigans, but maybe I’m in the immense minority with

It is. “If I had a heart” is an odd choice for me because that song will always be the Vikings theme song to many.

I don’t care what the nay-sayers say about this film - especially as they’ve not seen it. I can’t WAIT for this flick! I’m glad it’s getting so many positive reviews.

i still like how “all the people die” was basically relegated to the credit sequences of the first film and the final minutes of the third one.

The second season of Punisher wasn’t bad by any means.  It was better than all seasons of Luke Cage and Iron fist by a mile.  And at least as good if not better than JJ season 2.  It did have the unfortunate task of following the fantastic first season of Punisher.  

Yes. If they can retrofit Foggy and Karen back into it (eliminate the explanation for why they were not there) then it will improve everything dramatically.

Also, fwiw, I am 42 years old. I have spent most of my life watching shows that were 20+ episodes per season. It’s too much, it has always been too much, but networks had to sell as much ad space as possible to be able to keep making shows at all...with streaming, we don’t have to do that anymore. The whole point of

So they got a writer from Netflix’s Punisher series to be the showrunner? Good. The Punisher show had one really great season...and then it went for another season. But still, if they can recapture the feeling of that first season, it should be good.

Bring back........

Nuanced” is not a word often associated with CoPL, but actually? I kind of miss its take on Dathomir, where we got to see an entire culture of force sensitive people, light and dark. Clone wars does a good job with the Nightsisters, but totally misses the point that not all the Witches of Dathomir were dark siders.

I was pretty grossed out with the reactions and hate people threw at one of the character designers when he decided to share some concept art for April. Such racist and useless vitriol being thrown when it was completely unjustified and rude.

Wasn’t Sean Connery playing a Spanish man? Didn’t the Kurgan and Connor refer to him several times as being Spanish?

I’m happy to hear that they’ve been looking at the TV series for Highlander considering the main show is the best thing of the franchise.

Pretty sure that, unless you're counting the baffling sci-fantasy animated series, there were only two Highlander TV shows in the 90s. 

Iman Vellani seems to be living her best life and I’m here for it. 

Yeah, I definitely hear you. I didn’t even really want to watch the first season but did anyway just to give it a shot. Man, that was BLEAK and pretty much all the characters are nasty and unlikable, even the supposed “good guys.” Ever since Game of Thrones, that seems to be the popular trend in TV, “everyone is a

I suspect that Homelander pushing his kid off the roof is him “testing” the kid for superpowers. 

Sniffle... the Tick’s destiny was cut short far too early...

I know, for the record I’m not accusing The Boys of ripping off The Tick in the slightest. It’s just that when it premiered I couldn’t help but think of The Tick (a show I personally enjoyed more) for a number of reasons.

As far as recent superhero shows set in a city with unusual superheroes (some of which are direct references to popular Marvel/DC heroes) controlled by a sinister corporation produced by Amazon I’d rather have a third season of The Tick than a second of The Boys, but I’m still happy to have it.