
Not my comic in my prior post, but I understand your point and certainly won't argue it. That said, I personally struggle with continuing to appreciate Carrie and the few other good female characters he's written in light of the disgusting shit he's spewed since. The sexism, the racism, the weird classism he showed

I assume most Jezzies, writers included, don't know that Miller has a history of misogyny and racism. It's easy to watch the movie trailer and just see an interestingly-stylized movie containing a number of talented actresses. Or at least that's how I remember my reaction for the first Sin City movie back when.

Eh. I didn't want a sequel. I was hoping Frank Miller would fall off the face of the earth instead.

I just squealed over Lewis Black casting, but really, the entire voice cast sounds like glorious perfection.

Here are the people who should live forever:

The guy has already written football, Three Stooges, and I think Monty Python references into the series. I'm not concerned, personally.

All I actually see while I watch the kittens dance:

As we were discussing over at io9: so long as the predominant focus is on the lady characters. If it's solely The Snowman-the-Jimmy Hour, oh ho the protesting that shall be done.

Nice to see Pharrell actually apologize rather than offering a fauxpology, but I'd also like to hear one from Elle. (All together now: AHAHAHAHAHA.) Also, you'd think their respective PR management folks would hear about similar cultural appropriate bullshit with other celebrities, and thus not allow it for their own

I'd always assumed that George does not answer emails, but rather only batsignals in the form of Facebook posts.

Jesus wept. Can the internet collectively come down on her like the fist of an angry god already?

I can't stand clowns and know Puddles' act is supposed to be a bit creeptastic, but he's just so damn charming.

After a long pause, unusual for radio, Rush—who seemed genuinely interested—asked about the mechanicals of trans sex.

Given my druthers, I'd rather have sizing more like men's clothing. My life got loads easier once I moved away from 2-4-6-8 styles, and started looking at jeans in 26-27-28-29. Give me real numbers!

That's the stuff I starting using when I adopted my cat last month, and it... kinda works? I guess. It smells, but I've smelled worse. Although the bag I bought is pretty absorbent. My main complaint is how much the damn stuff tracks.

My gentleman friend uses wood chips — some cedar-based thing, I think — and it's pretty good. The only persistent complaint is that it tracks like crazy.

I started using the walnut stuff about three weeks back, and it's more or less okay in my experience. Smells, but not excessively, and without that weird powdery scent/sensation that comes with clay litter. (I always feel like I'm bound to get black lung from clay litter.)

It wouldn't be worth the public/conservative outrage.

I'm personally not a big advocate of facial scrubs, but found some decent info here.