
If the True Detective lady-leads spend half their time naked, I will be first to set the world on fire. Do you hear me, HBO?

'Still haven't found a brand of condoms that don't break? Better check with us, just to be on the safe side.'

You are glorious.

While the company been capitalizing on the internet shareability of exciting news like pregnancies, births, weddings, etc., they haven't clarified whether any of this sharing has resulted in unhappiness from their consumers, who might regret being so whoo hoo!

You are a far stronger person than I. Godspeed.

There are a lot of talented people on the show, but none of them grab my interest the way Oh or McKidd did/do. Most of the show's characters also set my teeth on edge, so for myself, I think I'm officially done with Grey's.

Sandra Oh and Kevin McKidd are the sole reasons I continue to watch this program. With Oh officially gone, I don't know that McKidd is enough to keep me on the Grey's train. He's great, but no more Christina? Yeah, methinks it's time to put a pin in it.

Just Margaret Cho's All-American Girl, as I recall.

Rabbits should mostly eat hay and greens (ie, carrot tops are better for them than actual carrots). But if you want to spoil tiny bunnies with treats, then a bit of dried papaya usually goes over like gangbusters.

Valid! Especially since carrots really shouldn't be a too-regular part of bunnies' diets, despite popular opinion. But I guess a shopping cart full of hay wouldn't look nearly as adorable.

I'm going to focus on the most important item in this article, and that is the aforementioned bunny. Inquiring minds need to know: is he pretending that baby carrot in his mouth is a cigarette? Did he just come off a hard shift at work?

What about the kids who hate their moms? Mother's Day quid pro quo, Clarice.

Daily Mail Prints Its Usual Lies and Bullshit, Actually Gets Called out as Bullshit.

Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about Kim Kardashian, other than what I occasionally read here.

To be fair, I once had a roommate who was so bad at personal hygiene that I was forced to sit her down and explain 'look, here's why we wash our bed linens more than twice a year'. This was me having to lecture a grown woman, mind.

When I read missives like Hickey's, my first thought is whether these people ever stop and think 'you know, by writing this, I am putting myself in a [doubtless missionary and heterosexual] position where everyone who reads my words will assume all I think about is anal/gay sex'.

Hooray, and you're very welcome! Yeah, Portland has my foodie's heart. I visited all of once before deciding 'zomg, I have to live here', and since then it's been a constant exploration of restaurants. Mi Sen is basically where I'd sleep at night, if they'd let me. Hot Suppa is right down the street from LFK and Local

Oh, wow. You are kind of living the dream, friend. Barring the straight-to-work bit — I am trying to imagine that drive with a cat in heat, and my imagination cuts short out of sympathy.

Don't mind at all. My family moved out there when I was still quite young, and we came from NYC to the High Desert, so you can imagine how huge a transition that was. It was very jarring for child!Supernumerary, and while hindsight allows me to reflect fondly on some aspects of California, at the time I felt stifled