I should probably have amended it to British, but all the largest offenders appear to be English. Which I'm sure Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are unsurprised by.
I should probably have amended it to British, but all the largest offenders appear to be English. Which I'm sure Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are unsurprised by.
He and Cumberbatch have an array of vile things they've said on a number of topics. It's a little mind-boggling, once you start reading through them.
I was unaware of that, actually. Thanks for the information. It certainly goes toward explaining a lot, and I can empathize with the perspective. It's still awful, mind, but a hell of a lot more understandable.
Not that I ever expected profundity from Morrissey, but between his bullshit, Cumberbatch's classism, Martin Freeman's rape joke, Jeremy Irons comparing gay marriage to incest, and Helen Mirren's comments on how date rape doesn't warrant pressing charges because the woman involved was clearly deserving, I am tired of…
I first remember seeing her in The Replacement Killers, and as action movies go, she and Chow made it spectacular. She's pretty great. It's a shame she doesn't seem to do much in the way of big movie-making these days.
Oh, Mira Sorvino. I miss you. Can't you go back to making movies with Chow Yun-Fat?
As LaComtesse said. It tends to depend on the length of your waist and how broad your hips are in conjunction with where the peplum falls. It can look very nice, but it's also rather a lot of trial and error in order to get there.
All I can recall offhand is the initial quote Clowes offered when the whole mess first broke out.
If only he could have stayed a nerdy Disney star forever. (The first time I can recall having ever thought that, ew.)
I genuinely can't tell if Shia LaBeouf has been living in the perspective vacuum which is Hollywood for too long, or if he is just king of the trolls.
Dazzler, or Lila Cheney? I could see Janelle knocking space-trotting intergalactic superstar out of the park a little more easily than post-'70s disco diva, but they're both kind of stars-in-my-eyes.
Wow. I thought the Gwyneth Paltrow mom jeans article would be a lot of hyperbole since high-waisted jeans are back in style (sincere yay), but no, those are in fact mom jeans, and they are indeed awful.
Seconding your sentiment; the Cumberbatch Sherlockians are intense, to put it gently. Though — and this is my token attempt at lame optimism — if they're that median-young, it's encouraging to hear that they're expressing interest in Sherlock Holmes, even if it's via a contemporary take. Perhaps some of them will look…
No, no, you're fine. I am just overly wary of the Cumbercollective.
As in, I'd like to see other actors take on the role of important historical figures (dead or alive) in relevant movies. I recognize that these are only three films and they're spread over a few years, but Cumberbatch being as staggeringly popular as he is at the moment, they've helped contribute to my fatigue.
Hm. Breaking Bad? The massive hate some of them have for Skyler's character is about as scary and unexpectedly vicious as some of the Cumbercollective can be. God help you if you ever dare tread on Sherlock/Watson, etc.
Between this role, Stephen Hawking and Julian Assange, I am finally starting to feel Cumberbatched-out.
Paris Hilton is one of the top 5 DJs in the world. It is good to see a made-up person excelling in a made-up profession.
Seriously. Count me in, since we're going anecdotal. I avoid emoticons/emojis like the plague, and find my figurative hackles rising when that's all a conversation involves. It's not that I'm autistic or an Aspie — it's that I prefer words to pictures.